Volk Species in Lazoria | World Anvil
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Volk (ˈvɔlk)

The volk is not a species, but different canines suffering from scramcaz a horrible disease spread by scabies, which caused the neolithic Gens high culture to collapse. The survivors of the ancient pandemic had a special gene that made the skrammkratz decease nothing worse than a mild form scabies, a gene most people today carries. The canines however do not have this gene.

A monster from the legends

An big hairless beast with blackish leathery skin often covered in scaly rashes thick crusts of skin. If you manage to look past the drowling maw filled with gleaming teeth and the creatures horrid apparition, and meets the bloodshot eyes of the beast you'll realize that the volk is a true abomination. Its gaze tells that it's mind is totally gone except for its slyness when it comes to hurt and maim.   Many are the legends of where the volk comes from, but few are really specific and could be hearsay and old wives tales. Some stories tells about how they was human once, humans that lost or sold their souls to dark entities. Others states that a volk is an evil spirit or a ghost of a witch or warlock that wasn't burried in the right way. Yet others states that sometimes the pups of dire wolf litters born under a bad moon can turn into volks.   How it really is, no one knows.  

A nocturnal creature

The volk is a wolf-like carnivore, mainly nocturnal and solitary creature. The animal acts both rather intelligent but also erratic. It is very aggressive and hard to predict. It kills for both food and fun, and sometimes just because it can. Wolves, ordinary and dire alike avoid any contact with a volk. So does also dogs. There has been some rumors however that packs of great forest hyenas actively hunting and attacking volks. But that's just rumors.  

Big as a pony

Many stories describes the volk as large dog or wolflike creature, often the size of a dire wolf (an impressive beast that can weight as much as 100 kilogram) or even a pony or a small horse. The truth is however that a the volk has a big span when it comes to size and weight. From a high of around 55 centimeters and a weight of around 30 kilograms, to a hight of 160 centimeters and a weight of 120 kilograms.

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Jan 8, 2022 15:34

I love the introduction paragraph!

An big hairless beast with blackish leathery skin often covered in scaly rashes thick crusts of skin...
Really generates the feeling of something chasing you through a dark forest in an horror movie.