Le Siège de Jenkin's Last Hope

Military action


Des forces renégates sous le contrôle de l'Étoile Distante sèment le Chaos sur la Base militaire de Jenkin's Last Hope, causant des millions de pertes dans les forces de la Garde Impériale et nécessitant l'intervention de deux inquisiteurs de la Cabale Praesidium.   Le rituel fait par les forces hérétiques sur la surface de la planète est interrompu par les agents de l'Inquisiteur Titus des Vaisseaux-Noirs.

Jenkin’s Last Hope, as Sector Astra Militarum and Battlefleet Goriae Command, is a powerful fortress world which power relies upon an ancient archeotech or even xenotech surperstructure in which millions upon millions of Imperial Guard Soldiers and navy ships are docked. A powerful plot by Azazel, the heretic responsible for the Judixa IV Heresy, irremediably damaged the mega-structure and a ritual nearly destroyed many worlds of the Gorian Sector. The coordinated actions from Imperial Intelligence, Ordo Hereticus Inquisitors Leptid Voss and Titus Blackship helped to stop the cataclysmic chain reactions that could have happened. Azazel’s operation was conducted by his lieutenant Azmoghul, who allegedly manipulated events for an attack by the Second Order on the station and critical number of cultists infiltrated amongst imperial regiments to generate a civil war amongst the regiments of the Astra Militarum.   The Navy engagement further depleted the already weakened battlefleet Goriae.