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The snow had melted unusually early this year and in early march, the valley of the Bearith was free of ice enough to allow an army to march along the river's northern shore. Iohan had set out from Soane as soon as he could and now, his army marched on the gates of Lathear. He was about to give the order to storm the gates, when a arrow with green fletching landed at his feet.

Whoever the archer was, he'd intentionally missed, because there was a small piece of paper wrapped around the shaft of the arrow which was lodged deep into the soil. The paper held a message:

This is your only warning.
Turn around or you'll be sorry you didn't.
The Black Dragon is waiting.
Regards, the Dragons.

The words were written in a strong, sweeping writing. Whoever this Black Dragon might be, he was serious. Iohan glanced over to the city walls, but he couldn't make out anyone, even though the distance between him and the city wasn't too great. He gave the order and his men stormed the gate.

The defenders fought bravely, but they couldn't hold the gate against the attacking force. Still, they didn't give up until they were overrun completely. When Iohan and Beodin entered the taken city, the soldiers had just taken a black-haired young woman into custody.

"Find all the rebels and bring them to me, Soane has nice, cold and damp dungeon cells waiting for them." Iohan ordered the rest of the men.

"Yes, Lord Iohan." one said and they left. Iohan walked up to the girl and looked her up and down. She was about sixteen, had a pretty face that was covered in dirt and grime and wore a proud, angry expression. She looked him straight in the eye the entire time. When Iohan grabbed her chin, she spat in his face. Iohan's fist hit her left eye, but she gave him nothing but a spiteful smirk.

"This beauty just got herself a special treatment." Iohan mocked her, "And now chain her up before she spits fire, after all, we're dealing with dragons here. And after that, she will tell me everything she knows about the Dragons." Zairah glared at him. She wouldn't tell this asshole shit.

"Who's the Black Dragon?" Iohan asked condescendingly. Zairah held her tongue and just kept glaring at him. In that moment, Antheos was brought into the square. For someone, who had just fought a battle, he looked surprisingly unscathed. He didn't even seem to resist his arrest.

"Well, if you won't answer me, I'll ask your friend over here." Iohan turned to Antheos, "You, who are the Dragons?" and Zairah was horrified, when he readily answered.

"I'm Antheos. I was one of them. Last autumn, you destroyed our home. Zairah and I only survived because we were out hunting at the time. Here, we gathered a bunch of people to fight you, but I realized it was pointless, and if you'll have me, I'd like to fight for you from now on." he said.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Zairah exploded.

"Oh, won't you look at that, she actually talks." Iohan said, turning back to her, "So, who's the Black Dragon? Who sent us this message?" Iohan showed her the arrow and the piece of paper.

"That's her arrow." Antheos interrupted.

"As if a girl could shoot that well." Iohan laughed.

"Let go of me and I'll prove it." Zairah said challengingly.

"Yes, that is definitely going to happen. I think it's time for you to learn your proper place in this world. What are you wearing anyway?" Iohan taunted.

"Oh, is that so? And what would be my proper place?" Zairah rebuttled.

"A woman is good for two things, pleasing a man and bear and raise his children." Iohan said. Zairah laughed out loudly, earning her another punch to the face.

"Allright, lock her up already, before I have to ruin her pretty face." Iohan ordered. With that, he turned back to Antheos.

"Your name is Antheos, right?" he asked.

"Yes, Lord." Antheos answered.

"And you want to fight for me? How's that?" Iohan continued.

"I thought I just explained that. Also, I like to be on the winning side and, look around, do these people look like winners to you?" Antheos replied.

"Good, I can use a man like you. Welcome to my army." Iohan decided.

Completion Date
April 7th, 1214
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