Micael Leandos Character in Leanor | World Anvil
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Micael Leandos

Micael Leandos was the King of Eleonis in the time of the Great War. He was born in 1072 CE in the city of Leandor in eastern Eleonis and died in 1115 CE from a wound he suffered during the final battle only days after the Great War was won. He was the last member of House Leandos to ever be crowned King. With him, nearly 200 years of Leandos men ruling Eleonis ended.

During his reign, he was known to be a couragous warrior and skilled battle commander, but also as someone without much of a hand for politics. Micael Leandos was often described as stubborn, impatient and hot-tempered. His advisors often had a difficult time trying to actually advise him because of it. He also enjoyed wine and women a little too much. What he lacked in diplomacy, he made up for in skill in warfare. 

Micael Leandos was one of the three Kings leading the Southern Alliance throughout the Great War, one of the bloodiest, most devastating wars in the history of Leanor, which is what he's mostly remembered for today. Unfortunately, Micael Leandos lost not only his own life, but also both his sons in the Great War, leading to the demise of the Leandos name. His daughters were married to different Lords in the early years of the war. House Leandos disappeared, but it's legacy survives in bloodlines in several noble families in Leanor.

Since there was no one to inherit the throne after Micael Leandos' death, the remaining Lords of Eleonis came together to choose a new King. They would have chosen Lord Riarcos Angeleos, who heroically ended the Great War, standing for the injured Micael Leandos in single combat against Laethis Soanis, the enemy's leader. He, unfortunately, passed away from his wounds soon after the battle, so his son was chosen to be King instead.

History remembers Micael Leandos as brave warrior and a great military leader, mostly brushing over his flaws and his less than adequate skill at peace-time politics. He might not have as much of a heroic legacy as his General and friend Riarcos Angeleos, but he is still the one of the three Kings who is credited with most of the work of leading the Southern Alliance to victory.

Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
March 16th, 1072 CE
Date of Death
July 18th, 1115 CE
1072 CE 1115 CE 43 years old
Circumstances of Death
Succumbed to wounds sustained in battle
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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