Ronia Angeleos Character in Leanor | World Anvil
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Ronia Angeleos

Ronia Angelos was born in 1095 CE as the second child and only daughter of Riarcos Angeleos. From a very young age, she was described as fierce and rebellious, always fighting her brothers. Some say she secretly practised with swords from the age of nine. The moment she turned sixteen, she chose to join the army, even though the Great War had started a few years prior and everyone tried to convince her not to.

She then was trained properly for about a year, until King Micael Leandos called his banners and went of to fight in Eleonis. Ronia's father, Lord Riarcos Angeleos was one of the first to answer the King's call, taking his daughter on as his squire. Despite her mother begging her to stay in Angeleor, Ronia and her two brothers joined their father.

Her father rose through the ranks of the army, eventually becoming General. In the meantime, Ronia also quickly rose up through the military hierarchy as well. Towards the end of the war, she commanded her own unit and did very well for herself. She quickly gained a reputation as a skilled warrior and a very good commander.

She would have had a bright military future ahead, but was unfortunately killed in battle in 1115 CE, days away from the Southern Alliance's final victory. Many suspect that she would have been knighted and joined the Royal Guard of her brother, Leandir Angeleos, who was chosen to become King of Eleonis after the Great War if she had survived.

Nowadays, some men still like to ignore her and her achievements, but among military women, she has become something of a symbol of what a female warrior could become. Young women of eleonian nobility looking to join the army often consider Ronia Angeleos a role model of bravery and determination and aspire to follow in her footsteps. Even though Ronia is far from the first woman to fight for Eleonis, she is the most well-known of them today.

1095 CE 1115 CE 20 years old
Circumstances of Death
Fell in battle in the Great War
Place of Death


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