S11. Back in Phandalin

General Summary

Marpenoth 27 -
  The Heroes of Gnomengarde have returned to Phandalin with a large golden bell in tow. They cash it in at the Phandalin Miner's Exchange with Halia paying fair market price for the whole bell by weight (except for the shavings the Flicker had been whittling away for the past two days). When Flickered figured out they were getting fair value, she turned in her shavings to cash in as well.
  Halia noticed again Flicker's demeanor and seemed amused.
  Back at the Stonehill Inn, Raiya retired to have one of her famous baths, but she couldn't sleep, so she went down to get a cup of tea and, in the empty taproom of the inn, she met a kind old man named Hal who chatted with her over tea. As they chatted, little yellow birds flew in one at a time and settled somewhere upon the old man. He was kind, and offered her some fatherly advice before leaving her to herself. But then the room darkened and got very cold...shadows congealed into a skeletal black dragon who rasped, "Ebondeath is coming...FOR YOU!" And she awoke in her cold bath with a start...
  Wolf was sleeping lightly and so easily awakened to a visitor in his room, a jovial halfling named Raggit. Wolf remembers swinging on a gallows with this guy (before the Masked Lords sent him to "spy" on the Lord Protector). The little dude made it clear he knew where Wolf had been, and even returned one of his broken arrows to him from Gnomengarde.
  Keth studied his Mom's book and practicing his magic. He noticed something interesting about the book...there is some odd writing in the book, and Keth learns a secret about it.
  Flicker sleeps through the night, quiet as a mouse, apparently she shifted into one a few times while sleeping.
  They collect from Harbin Wester and worry a bit about Adabra being missing.
  While spending some of their newfound treasure, they are challenged by Redcloaks that they are going to need to pay taxes...and a fight breaks out.
  They kill all but one ruffian, and Keth chases down the last one as he ran up the hill to Tresendar Manor. The group then begins exploring the manor, this time Raiya going first to scout ahead while invisible thanks to Flicker). She explores a bit and finds a few Redcloaks in a room that try to investigate...but being invisible, she evades detection and she sneaks back out to the rest of the party.
Report Date
10 Feb 2022


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