S12. In a Manor of Speaking...Seeecrets

General Summary

Marpenoth 27, a short rest later...
  The whole group re-enters the cellar under the manor ruins, but there are no Redcloaks found at first. The room they were in is empty. So the continue to explore further past a secret door and find a cavern with a crevasse filled with a sickly green mist of deathly cold.
  Canarie heads back to the cistern room looking for treasure that she can't find while Flicker engages in a conversation with a creepy one-eyed monster in sylvan. It asks to trade magic for secrets, so Flicker talks Wolfaen into giving up his Rod of Collapsing to give it, and it tells her she seeks Thundertree and Venomfang.
  Canaire is found by the 3 redcloaks that had left and came back, and Raiya was there as well to help fend them off. They have to retreat a little and Keth comes up from the cavern to fight them...taking them down to a man.
  The continue to explore...and as they explore down a 5' corridor down some stairs. They open a door to some bugbears and a goblin, and a deadly fight breaks out. Raiya and up trapped between the bugbears and another door that opens revealing a man in black wearing a black mask.
Report Date
17 Feb 2022
Primary Location
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