S16.5 Downtime in the Hideout

General Summary

Marpenoth 30, 1492DR   [Discord Chat Log]  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Oh my word look at the size of its cranial cavity. Does it even have an eyelid?" Eethyl mumbles as he examines the Nothic body after it is retrieved from the ravine. Eethyl glances over at Flicker having taken note of her questioning why he would want the body retrieved minutes before. "Damaia, Fortune...Would one of you drag this down to that laboratory down those stairs please and then maybe grab that larger Wight from the crypt and bring it down there as well? I'm going to make something up for Flicker real quick." he askes before setting off toward the crypt room and comes back after a minute mixing a vial of what looks like ink.   "OK, Flicker. I have something for you. I see you have a hard time trusting me so I'm going to help you out for a minute. Here" he says gesturing for her to put her arms forward. "I'm going to give you the ability to detect evil for a short time similar to how I gave Keth the ability to bless the party with his own connection to the weave. He really has a strong spirit. It's reaches as far as the spirit of that big oak tree just outside town." He continues on for a few minutes rambling about random spirits and how far their reach can be as you hopefully extend your hands and allow him to paint a tribal looking design similar to Damaias tatoos. "Ok, if you rub your hands together and then touch them to your cheeks and forehead you should be able to detect evil in the souls of myself or anyone for that matter"   "Well I take that back. You really can't detect the evil itself. Unless it is a spirit that is creeping in or the influence of another spirit. of course evil is not a thing like most people think it is. just like cold or darkness. I mean you can't build cold or darkness. That's why when you cast those spells you have to suck the heat or light out of the area and into the weave if you know what I mean" he rambles on before catching your eye and noticing that you are not really tracking as well as he expected. "Well look. just try this if you doubt my motive and it should make you feel better."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"I really should touch up your ink work too Damaia" Eethyl says as she is coming back and he is wrapping up with Flicker." I'm impressed it has lasted as well as it has with all the sun you get" he unfurls his tool kit and picks out a scratching awl and what looks like a thin metal whistle maybe. "I think this may work better than what I gave Keth" he says gesturing you over.   "I think we should stay here. What do you all think? Would save some coin from staying in the inn. Do we know who owns this place? Oh maybe we don't bring the villagers but we just get a cart ourselves. I don't want them snooping. hmmm"   "I don't have the coin for the inn personally. And it beats staying in the wood. Is the front entrance securable? I could make a good bar to hold it I'm sure." He looks up expectedly Brendan  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
After taking the eye monster and then the white to the lab, Damaia nods “Well of course it still looks good I did everything you told me to, to keep it looking good. But yeah do what you need.” She sits and waits for Eethyl to do what he wants.  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
Fortune takes a moment to think, stares at his hands for a period of minutes, and then kind of shrugs and moves to do whatever is directed at him. A lot of the chipper, sarcastic redneck personality seems to have worn off for a moment, as he takes in the situation.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Fortune....Drink some more water or that hangover is going to be rough. You were pretty far gone my friend" Eethyl calls out at him.   "or maybe that was just him." glancing up at Damaia as he begins his work "You see him cast? I don't think he has any training. He has a couple heavy threads of the weave bound around him though I bet"   "maybe that's why he didn't fall over when he was drunk" Eethyl looks up for a couple seconds then busts out laughing to himself  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
“I didn’t see him do anything. He did save my life though. I thought I was dead then after we were done with that thing he freaked out and thought he turned me the chest.” Damaia laughs then pulls out the sword to examine it. “I wonder what this is. It’s so cool!”  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"hold still jeeze!"  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
“You know magic stuff confuses me.. Ow! Okay fine.” Sets the sword beside her.  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
Fortune looks back and forth between them for probably two minutes before he realizes they're talking about him.   While watching them interact, he kind of rubs his neck and mumbles a bit.   "Yeah, y'all got some water er sumthin'…? I am indeed a bit on the overdone side with the hangin' over."   Fortune looks over to Damaia then kind of gives a half grin.   "Guess you's right, though." He opens the small latch on his prosthetic forearm and tosses the two coins to Damaia.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"uuuuhhh..." Eethyl stops his work on Damaia for a minute and fishes a small package bound in what looks like a thin cloth and puts it in a cup of water he pours for Fortune. "Here, I used to make this for another Tiefling I knew. Got killed by some nasty orcs a full moon ago or so. It's a black licorice tea that really helps with hang overs."   it has a thick ashe taste and definitely the tinge of iron and black licorice you notice. "Nasty stuff but you Tiefling have some odd taste and he certainly appreciated it" turning back at Damaia, "no stop it I'm not done. You can check out the sword when I'm done."  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
He kind of stirs it around a bit with a dirty finger.   "This stuff s'posed ta' be brewed hot?"  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
Damaia catches the gold and pockets it with a grin “Pleasure doin business with ya. Oh yeah do you have a Tiefling magnet Eethyl? You always seem to be hanging out with one every chance you get.” She goes still and mumbles something about wanting to try out the shiny sword.  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
Flicker does not allow anything to be painted on her hands.   "You killed Bitey and told me it was obviously a familiar. When I asked why you said there was no blood. But you didn't know there was no blood until after you blew him up. Proof first, then the kill. Trust first, then ink." as she gestures at the vial.  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
A chuckle from a dry throat.   "Tiefling magnet's jus' a trouble magnet if we're bein' honest."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"I knew it was a familiar because Sila told me it was" Eethyl sighs. "You really think I go around blasting rats? Why would I hurt it if it wasn't trouble?"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
Eethyl glances over at Fortune. "You can heat it up. or drink it cold if your head hurts enough. There is a kitchen down the stairs there and flames going in that lab"  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"That's what I'd like to figure out. " Flicker goes to the chest and grabs the rod with Hakuna on it  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
Eethyl finishes up with Damaias work and replies "well I like you better than most of them I meet. But yeah Fortune makes three I have spent time with now I guess" He gives Flicker his full attention. "I'm lost. And that's not very common. Well kind of. I mean I still get lost in in the wilderness. But in this conversation I mean. Can you cast detect good? You could do it yourself?"  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
Shrugs the shoulder of the arm Eethyl is not working on. “ you’re not wrong Fortune.” Looks at Flicker “Tempest knew something was wrong with that rat, and Eethyl hasn’t tried to hurt her” nods to the albino rat still on Flickers shoulder. “I know trust is a hard thing to give. I trust Eethyl and he’s the only reason why I’m here”  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"The druid that trained me could. I'm not sure it is common for druids here. She was from the Feywild so I don't know"  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"No. And I'm not convinced that " she gestures at the ink "could either. I've never seen anything like it, and I don't know you well enough to go by your word alone."   Flicker reaches up to stroke Tempest's head and looks at Damaia "That might be your folly, doesn't have to be mine. "   She stops and her head jerks in Eethyl's direction, looking surprised "YOU were trained by a druid? From the Feywild?"  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
"The Fey-whut now?"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Now wait a minute. Flicker the rat ran THROUGH a room full of humans and into another room with another one and stayed there. And wasn't afraid of you." he rubs his forehead. "Yes I learned most of what I know about herbalism from a druid. Morai. She is great." he looks back up. "Have you seen many rats that acted like that around people? ' "OH I HAVE AN IDEA" "Who do you trust Flicker?"  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"Of course it wasn't afraid of me! I'm Delightful! And I trust Keth and Wolf. They haven't left after everything."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Keth maybe? Yes you are. One of the brightest spirits here I dare say. But who would you trust? I can let them cast it and tell you what they see?"   "Wolfaen? He seems to talk straight to the point."  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
('Yes you are' Roll Deception! lol)   "...I'm not gonna make Wolf a test subject." Flicker sticks out her arms towards Eethyl   She looks at Fortune while doing so "Feywild. You've not heard of that place before? Where did you say you were from again?"  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
Damaia gets up and approaches Flicker a hard look on her face and collects Tempest “Eethyl is a good man, better than most. You can not trust me all you want, but he’s smart, kind, and he’s never led anyone on.” She walks out and finds a corner to hole up in.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Thanks Damaia. If you want to check the front and put some water with one of the pots down there I'll make some stew for dinner soon."   "Flicker I don't think most people know about the Feywild"  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
She nods and preps for dinner.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
getting distracted for a moment Eethyl peers into the ravine again "You think we could siphon that and condense it?"  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
Fortune takes a moment to think, then seems to remember his past.   "Up north a' Waterdeep. Been travellin' a bit, though, been halfway down the coast in the last month. The Feywild is that one big party city on the south uh the continent, yeah?"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
Eethyls brows furrow "Uh what? no" "You mean Port Nyanzaru and Chult maybe?" shaking his head "No that's not it"  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
Flicker, seeing Eethyl's distraction, assumes he's changed his mind and puts her arms down.   "It's not a place you're likely to end up, so don't worry about it Fortune. Did you say what brought you inland to Phandalin?"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"I want to visit there eventually though. There's a really great wizard I met from there." "He would put your fears to ease Flicker. Divination wizard. now THOSE guy have insight."  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
"Nah, I ain't specify 'xactly whut brought me here. Weird town, this'un."   He kind of looks off into an unspecified distance down the way.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"It's an old settlement. There are some really cool mines that used to be in the area"  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"You say fear, I say reasonable caution and restraint."   "Care to share then, what about this weird town has drawn you in so? We start messing with the redbrands and then suddenly all of you show up out of the blue. It's a curious thing."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"weird? I think he means us"  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
"I can't really believe you done put 'cool' and 'mines' in the same sentence."   He coughs a bit.   "Uh... At the moment, I'm kinna just followin' my legs and luck."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"And I have been following you long before you got to the red brands. Got lost for FOUR days trying to track you down" he says holding up four thin fingers  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"That. Is not a helpful thing to say, Eethyl." She laughs at Fortune, uncomfortable after hearing Eethyl has been following us for a lot longer than she thought "if your luck has brought you to us, remind me to make a bet with you sometime"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"because I was looking for you? You do realize the whole town is talking about you guys?"   "Myrna Dendrar told Morai about you all. Agvith cast augury for me and said I would likely find help with the dragon here. and look!" he says pulling out a vile he picked up from the lab earlier "dragon bile? isn't that awesome? I wonder if it's from the white" he says peering closely at it  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
Flicker mumbles to herself "I can make up names too. Smirla Fengar told Pordai that Shagbith cast blah blah" as she walks to give Wolfaen the rod she grabbed from the chest.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
Eethyl looks slightly dejected. he sighs after a moment and nods. "it's ok. I still think you are great. He looks at the vial in his hand. Well shoot I'll have to figure out how to reuse this. Oh I could use it for a base for detecting magic. or maybe if I added some salt and let it sit?" As he puts it away his brows shoot back up and he looks back at Eric "Oh I forgot I was going to make a light source for you for emergencies. Would it be ok if I used three of your cross bow bolts and maybe one of your beard rings there? I can make sure you don't fall in a ravine in the dark again. Or I could use some pebbles for you to throw out instead?" He smiles at Flicker as he walks past her and pats her arm as he moves toward Wolfaen.  
Brendan (Keth) — 03/19/2022
Keth sighs at the palpable tension before shaking his head and steeling himself. "That was a good idea about staying here tonight Eethyl, it's probably as safe here as anywhere else. Plus it'll give us another chance to look this place over and get together everything that's worth taking or giving back to the town."  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
Flicker tenses. "Here? Like, right here, all night? Can I...sleep in the manor? Not this creepy cavern? I'll stay by the front door. To help, um...make sure that entrance is secure. Closer to the outside. Not totally underground completely devoid of sunlight and fresh air and life"  
Brendan (Keth) — 03/19/2022
"Well, like, we should probably all stay kind of together, but we can all sleep in the manor if you'd prefer?" He glances at her. "Actually we should definitely do that instead for, like, a tactical reason. Like, uhm... maybe there are other secret entrances down here we don't know about or something."  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"Yes! Yes tactical, absolutely tactical, that's totally why I brought it up. Smaller space, only 3 doors to guard, lots of fresh water, yeah yeah yeah." Flicker relaxes a bit  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
At the mention of betting, a smile bigger than a mountain range spreads across Fortune's face. He's obviously game for anything involving betting.  
Brendan (Keth) — 03/19/2022
"Right, yeah, fresh water exactly what I was thinking. Plus that's actually closer to both entrances in case we need to escape quickly."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"That tunnel leads to the wood. Flicker could stay there?" He points to the south of the ravine  
Shawna (Flicker) — 03/19/2022
"Alright, settled then, staying in the Manor. Front door for me." she says glancing back at Eethyl for a second  
Courtney (Damaia) — 03/19/2022
Damaia is sitting quietly in a corner where Eethyl set up shop, playing with Tempest. “Wherever you stay is fine with me Eethyl.”  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"We will be fine. I'll have Sila watch the tunnel" He says with a smile  
GameKnight Jim (DM) — 03/19/2022
The sword is keen and free from the ravages of time. It is clearly enhanced with magic, but nothing of an epic nature. It doesn't talk, nor fly, but it is well-balanced and magically sharp. [+1 Longsword, etched with the name Talon on the blade.]  
  Aside from the Hakuna Rod, there is:
  • a plain-looking, if motley, bag (Flicker finds the textures of the 3 types of material interesting
  • a blue-steel sling bullet (ball-bearing, Eethyl is the only one with a sling, yes?)
  • a scroll-case (with scroll), and...
  • 2 potions (they appear to be healing potions) and some coin.
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Damaia, we are making stew today! I'll get the broth started." He brings a handful of veggies out of his pack with his cooking stuff. "Here. Help with these. And we need to inventory the casks and stack the junk from the armory to bring back to town today. Do we have time to go ask for a cart to bring them back thier stolen goods?"  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
There's a bit of a rallying from the tiefling, as Fortune kind of shakes himself.   "I ken make one damn good stew, if'n you ain't mind me's helpin'."  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Hmmmm. Put a second pot on to boil too. I have an idea"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Oh that's great. You can help Damaia. I'll come and you can start the second pot in a minute. I think you will like that one better  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
Fortune nods, starts walking a a direction, then kind of realizes he's a bit lost already.   "Sheit y'all got a map or sumn?"  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Down the stairs either set. There's a kitchen area in the middle"  
Shale (Fortune) — 03/19/2022
"Yup, knew that. Jus' gettin' the legs warmin' up and all."   He continues to walk in the wrong direction for a ten count, does some obvious stretches, then shakes his head and tries to sneak back in the direction of the stairs.  
Chris (Eethyl) — 03/19/2022
"Fantastic. You lot can set up camp or whatnot up top in the manor I guess. I'll have these two help cook and bring food up when done."   Eethyl goes about helping Fortune & Damaia with the stew and enjoying their company. He starts a bone broth of some sort in the second pot winking at the two of them as they prep. "This one wont be ready for dinner tonight but I did manage to get an idea for Tiefling tastes before and I think you two will like this."   He also has Courtney set aside some of the onion and parsley adding it to another bowl and having her make up a salad "I'm pretty sure that young lady doesn't eat meat. You can give that to her." He hands you a sprig of plant with some red petals. "That will add some spice and makes it look nicer. It always tastes better when it looks good" He says with a wink. He stops for just a minute and hits her in the shoulder.   "I'm glad you came" and before you know it spins back around "Be right back I'm going to grab some more water."   After he is sure the Tieflings have the food under control he sends Sila to keep watch on the tunnel entrance. "Ok you two. Bring them food once it's done. I'll sleep down here. You two can join them. I'm going to go attend to some work in glass staffs lab. Maybe best not to let the druid visit me while I'm working on that thing that eyeball creature that scared her" Once in he jams both the secret door past the bedroom and the main door at the stairs.  
Shale (Fortune) — Yesterday at 12:08 AM
While he's not exactly a good kitchen mate due to an awkward nature, clumsy hands, and a tendency to trail off mid thought, somehow Fortune manages to take all ingredients possible and bring together a more presentable meal than expected. There's a little flourish to the assembly, a little trade secret here or there, and one might notice an ability to make something out of nothing.   To a trained eye, he's not a master cook, but someone who's done it for people out of necessity, and tried to bring some joy or love to it. He's more relaxed for a moment, seeming to shake off some nerves as he steps into a role helping out within his realm of experience to a degree.  
Courtney (Damaia) — Yesterday at 1:36 AM
Damaia works quickly and quietly. Smiling a bit “I’m glad I get to spend more time with you. It’s probably good for me to get out and about.” She puts the veggies together and takes it to Flicker. “This is just veggies. You need to thank Eethyl for that” She says before turning on her heel and getting her own food and bunking in a corner away from everyone.  
Shawna (Flicker) — Yesterday at 6:06 PM
Flicker looks at the plate of food and then glances around for Eethyl. Not seeing him, she positions herself by the front door as planned and eats quietly.  
Shale (Fortune) — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
At some point, Fortune steps out of the kitchen area where food has been finished at. He stands in a doorframe, and with slow eyes scans the various figures in the structure in their positions.   I think he probably just does this for about 60 seconds, stuck between a sense of loneliness and wanting to engage, and the stubborn, anti-social ideal of handling his shit and being okay alone. This pause as he shifts eyes around the place gives enough time for his body to catch up to a whirlwind brain and alert him that 'hey dude, you're fuckin tired.'   Fortune shakes his head, dries his hands off on his plain old tunic, and finds a corner to place his backpack in. He uses it as a pillow, lays down on the floor uncovered, and stares into space for 45 minutes trying to get his brain to shut off.  
Chris (Eethyl) — Yesterday at 9:45 PM
The next morning under the manor...   *You find several pieces of rope tied off and dangling into the green mist (various items tied to the end and lowered into the mist).   *Some of the alchemy supplies from the lab have been moved next to the ravine and there are a few containers on burners going with a fog inside the containers.   *The bone broth from last nights cooking is in a couple containers now and cooling in the kitchen area   * There is a stack of cold flapjacks in the dining area.   *In the lab you find the remains of two forms rolled in a blanket from one of the beds. There is a note on them.  
Shale (Fortune) — Yesterday at 10:27 PM
Fortune attempts to read it.  
Shawna (Flicker) — Yesterday at 11:05 PM
Flicker hates it down there, so stays up by the front door (to guard it, of course!) waiting for the group to decide what to do next  
Courtney (Damaia) — Today at 5:51 AM
Damaia reads the note then tells Fortune what it says. Before grabbing some food to eat and share with Tempest. “He’ll be back soon. I’m sure he didn’t get a wink in last night though.” She yawns and mutters to herself “Probably hasn’t eaten either.”  
Shale (Fortune) — Today at 6:21 AM
(Thank you for doing that, haha)   "Huh. Seems like whoever made him forgot to put in the 'quit.' Gnome moves full-a-speedin' everywhere."   Fortune takes a glance at the paper and kind of scrunches his eyes, then gives it up and tries not to acknowledge that he was havin' a hard time or that Damaia helped out significantly. However, whenever food is prepared, he's right there to assist once more.   I'd be pretty sure he brings food to Flicker.   Keth (Brendan) — Today at 10:48 AM Before falling asleep that night, Keth would have taken out the sending stone and sent the message, Hello? Is anyone there? If you're reading this, then I think the two of us have much to discuss. Perhaps we can help one another.
Report Date
21 Mar 2022


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