S9. The Shrine, Part Deux

General Summary

23 Marpenoth - 24 Marpenoth
  After narrowly retreating from the shrine, Raiya managed to discover a well hidden cave nearby which served as a perfect location to hide from the pursuing orcs and rest and recover...
  Upon regaining conciousness, the elf rescued from the Shrine introduced herself as Canarie du Gavreaux, Artificier Extraordinaire, an Eladrin hailing from the High Forest far to the east of Phandalin...
  A letter belonging to Canarie, quietly sleighted away by Wolfaen, revealed that Canarie was sent to the Sword Coast to gather supplies to help defend her homeland from a mysterious encroaching undead threat...
  The party then bided their time and waited until the next dawn to creep back to the Shrine and attempt a more... stealthy assault...
  After being turned invisible by Flicker's druidic magic, Wolfaen entered the Shrine's campus and made his way to the central chapel...
  However, due to poor positioning, and shear bad luck, Wolfaen was discovered after an orc walked into him after Wolf had opened a door inside the chapel...
  The party, waiting outside the Shrine, were unaware of Wolfaen's situation, leading to the orcs swarming him and very nearly killing him...
  Keth then (using his newfound powers of Chairomancy) proceeded to Expeditiously (not)Retreat into the shrine and rescue Wolfaen while Raiya and her drake companion Tsuki provided distraction and covering fire...
  Meanwhile, with the alarm raised, more orcs and Brutish the British Ogre came around the northwest corner of the Shrine's chapel and proceeded to charge towards Canarie, who had stayed on watch outside the west side of the Shrine...
  Brutish the British Ogre then charged towards the waiting Canarie, but was tripped up by a well placed Grease spell...
  While the ogre was slowed, Keth, Raiya, Flicker, and a now awake Wolfaen managed to concentrate fire on the ogre and bring it down before it could reach anyone...
  Once the western orcs were dealt with, the party then proceeded around the eastern side of the Shrine and stealthily dealt with the orc in the northeast tower...
  The session then ended with four additional orcs revealed on the ground level and the party ready to engage...
Report Date
27 Jan 2022
Primary Location


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