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Aasimar, also spelled a'asimar, is derives from the celestial word A'aSYMON (usually rendered a'asimon), meaning "firstborn", and indicates mortals who have been touched by the presence of the divine, and transformed by the experience into something that is no longer altogether mortal. The majority of aasimar were human once, though it is believed that the process can in principle affect most ensoulled mortals.   This contact with the divine can occur in multiple different ways. Some are said to be touched by the power of the divine whilst in the womb, or even perhaps conceived from the union of a mortal and a celestial spirit, and are born aasimar; others are transformed at some point during their lifetime, or at the moment when they would have died - a process which is sometimes referred to as "exaltation".   Aasimar superficially resemble their mortal kin, though even a cursory examination reveals their heritage. Many have a silver or golden sheen to their skin, often covered in abstract patterns or glyphs resembling the celestial script in gold, silver, and black, which seem to slowly flow across their bodies, changing as their emotional state does. Almost all have unusual eyes - typically white, golden, or grey, and lacking pupils - which erupt into a blazing light when they draw upon their divine heritage.  

The Called and the Chosen

It has long been observed that only a handful of deities are capable of creating aasimar, or at the very least, choose to do so; and that the nature of the aasimar depends somewhat on the nature of the deity that creates them. The most common kind of aasimar, known as guardians or protectors, are created by deities including the Corlish sun-goddess Kilshea, and by a handful of other solar deities in other nations. The protectors are more likely to have been born as aasimar, and often refer to their divine sponsors using the celestial term daeva, usually translated as "shining ones".   A second group of aasimar, referred to as scourges, are associated with the implacable spirits of war and revenge known as the Unbroken Host, whom they sometimes refer to as the asura, often translated as "princes". Unlike the protectors, scourges are said to be exclusively created at the moment when a mortal dies; there are few first-hand accounts of this process, but those that do exist suggest that those who are created in this way are given a choice - to die, or to return transformed as a weapon of righteousness against the evil of the world.   It is rumoured that a third class of aasimar might exist, those blessed by celestials who have become corrupted by the forces of the Four Hells. Little is known about these so-called "fallen aasimar", or what gods may be responsible for their creation.
Up to 160 years
Average Height
5 to 6ft. tall


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