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Balletto is an ancient city, referred to in the oldest histories as Kepe'Aletu, the City of the Wyrm, and known as Skatha Aletto in the time of the Empire of Kataris. Its founding is said to predate the Dyarchy of Laria by almost six hundred years, having originally been founded by exiles from the Draconic Imperium in the 10th century pre-AK, though almost no trace of the original city has survived to this day. According to some accounts, it was built atop a hill within which an ancient dragon has slumbered for millenia; the dragon's name is sometimes given as Kepeshki the Golden, who is claimed as the ancient progenitor of the dragonborn of Clan Kepeshkamolik. In modern times this account has generally been held to be allegorical, if not outright fantastical, though it is generally agreed that Baletto was the epicentre of the power of Clan Kepeshkmolik in the time before the Katari Empire, when they were allied with the Dyarchy of Laria.   Kepe'Aletu fell to Katari control in around 150AK, and remained a subject-city of the Basilisk Queens until the fall of the Katari Empire. In the post-Katari period it was, for a time, the centre of the worship of the Lost God of the Sun until the faith was stamped out by the Aldish invaders.   The Autokrator, a dragonborn named Kepeshmolik Myro, is a close ally of Dracomallion Anaximander di Sola di Triponzo, and one of the leading voices in the Dracoimperialist Movement, who advocate for the liberation of the dragonborn of Metalaria and Mandragore from the dominion of the Five Great Dragons, and the eventual annexation of the Metalarian coast by the League of Savura
Founding Date
Approx 1,000 years pre-AK
Alternative Name(s)
Kepe'Aletu, Skatha Aletto, the City of the Wyrm
Large city
Approx. 25,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Government Type:
Semi-Autonomous Electoral Autocracy
Majority Ethnicities:
Major Commerce:
Trade Hub


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