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Diandra Salus-Mettvergen

Born 1266 AK into the client-house of Salus-Mettvergen, salt merchants in the town of Meeren. Recognised as possessing sorcerous talents in adolescence, she was enrolled in the Academy of Gildenschloss as an apprentice at the age of eleven. She enrolled as a neophyte scholar of divination in 1284, and was conferred the grade of Adept in 1288 (thesis: “Time and Tide: Gaudente’s ‘Extrusions’ and the Sixfold Doctrine”). Served as a diviner within the Tower whilst also lecturing for the Faculty Divinatory until 1301, when she was appointed Vice-Scholarch of Divination. Elected Scholarch of the Academy 1314; appointed Mistress of the Tower in 1341, following the elevation of Mistress Lyona Azan-Mettvergen to the newly created role of Warden of Kalamak.
  Diandra Salus-Mettvergen is a powerful sorceress and arcanist, who specialises in divination. Holding the position of Mistress of the Gilded Tower, she is arguably the most politically influential magician in Aldernord, her authority over the Gilded Tower and the town of Gildenschloss being second only to that of the Queen of Aldernord. The protege of Mistress Lyona Azan-Mettvergen, she is the first sorcerer to have held the position of Mistress of the Tower in over four hundred years.   Diandra has shown herself to be a moderate in her political leanings, and is something of a traditionalist; she presents herself as neutral in the affairs of the High Houses, loyal to the Crown and to the nation of Aldernord above all else.  

Allies and Enemies

  Gudrun Athelswicht-Zaal, now Scholarch of the Academy of Gildenschloss, is a close ally of Diandra - though she appears to have distanced herself from Gudrun following the Shadow-Wolf Murders.   Diandra was one of a number of targets that the Everstorm Covenant eventually intended to assassinate, though her political authority and magical power were adequate enough protection that the Covenant never made an attempt on her life.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Adept-Divinatory (1288AK)
Vice-Scholarch of Divination (1301-1314AK)
Scholarch of Gildenschloss (1314AK-1341AK)
Mistress of the Gilded Tower (1341AK)
Year of Birth
1266 78 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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