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Insight's Chronurgy Notes

This document is a transcription of the laboratory notes of one "Insight of the Tower" - which, according to Shemraksi, is an alias of Ilse Sarren van Malaborg. The original text was written in Auran, using the Draconic script, though it was later translated into Common.  


  1. This being the record of Insight of the Tower - a name chosen by chance in accordance with our procedures for strict secrecy - as I approach the work of temporal isolation.
  2. I note that Insight was in fact the second name to be drawn; the first, Infinity, was discarded due to it being also a title of the Fourth Paragon (per the Fragment of Storms).
  3. My record is to be retained by the Tower, in whatsoever form as it may be found - for should I succeed then it shall stand as a waystone by which those who would follow me might come to benefit of it; and yet should I fail, it shall stand perhaps as a dire warning against such an act of hubris as this. As so all my works.
  4. In the writing of this text it is imperative that nothing whatsoever be stated or implied which might be used to ascertain the time that this operation was-is-will be performed. The reason for this secrecy is multifold: firstly, that there are surely others who, were they to learn of my intentions, would-have-are-will attempt to stop me. Secondly, that the nature of this operation, being that it breaches the linearity of the chains of cause and effect that are permitted by the High Gods and by the Dragons Beyond, is bound to attract the attention and ire of the servants of Eternal Order. Thirdly, that it is likely to also attract the attention of certain other entities which dwell beyond linear time - which whilst not malefic in the manner that the attention of the Inevitables is, would in any case tend to interfere with the operation. In this category I include such entities as the Sphinxes, the Coatl, and certain of the demons called Ab'yrit and Tan’arim; as well as the Shattered Prince and the Lady of Doors.
  5. It is thus that I choose the script of the dragons - which is ancient - to scribe the tongue of air - which is timeless.It is perhaps regrettable that the true tongue of the Children of Time was lost, for the language of the air is a poor substitute; it is however preferable to any approximation of the High Speech of the Giants, or to that of the serpents of Yua, and indeed to the so-called Infernal language.
  6. Furthermore, whilst specific astrological conjunctions are required for the correct performance of the operation, to list them with any precision would be detrimental to the security of this document and thus to the safety of the operation as a whole. They are therefore unstated herein; the student of chronurgy will doubtless be able to perform the calculations and derive the proper method from a solid understanding of the basic principles of the science.
  7. Regardless, there does remain some risk, for in writing this record certain temporal limitations are implied. The most narrow is that it must be at a time when the Tower exists, as do the requisite ritual implements, devices, and so on. More broadly - the existence of this book implies the existence of a certain sort of paper, a certain sort of ink, and so on; and indeed of a certain sort of creature capable of using all these implements towards the goal of the operation. Thus it is easily demonstrated that no complete solution to this problem can be obtained; nonetheless, we do not require a perfect degree of "temporal anonymity". Provided the Tower stands, or has stood, for a century or more, the precautions that I have taken will suffice - and it then becomes of little consequence if my identity can be extrapolated.
  8. The aim of this experiment is to isolate the Gilded Tower from the flow of time, this then allowing me to reconstitute it with full control over its temporal parameters; this to thus allow the following:
    1. The prevention of unauthorised chronurgy and similar effects within the radius of the interdiction field of the Tower.
    2. Extension of the operational lifespan of the interdiction field through insulation against the effects of temporal entropy.
    3. The ability to slow or speed the passage of time within the interdiction field, and potentially to compartmentalise this further to allow different areas of the Tower to move along the River of Time at different relative speeds to each other without a loss of coherence.
    4. The ability to conduct the Supreme Oraculum without interference.


  1. The operation begins at its end: I commit that, upon completing this work, I shall cast this record into the River, that it may then be recalled from the River at the appropriate time.
  2. A working knowledge of the principles of High Chronurgy and Geomancy is required to complete the operation and to take full benefit thereof. The key chronurgic rituals that are needed consist of:
    1. The creation of a suitable Anchorhead. The Tower itself, by virtue of its construction, is suitable for consecration as an Anchorhead; the magician must therefore be attuned to the Tower. Should this operation be conducted elsewhere, a suitable structure should be prepared to act as an Anchorhead - this will need to be tied to a Mystic Pylon in order to function as properly intended.
    2. The Rites of the River, to retrieve the record of the operation from the River of Time
    3. The ritual to shift the temporal location of the Anchorhead, which is performed in the Third Incantation.
    4. The Ritual of Anchored Recall, to escape the temporal null-point.
  3. Beyond access to a Mirror of Stars, the operation itself merely requires that one be a magician of the 4th circle, or have access to scrolls or other such methods as to allow the casting of the required spells. It is, however, expensive and requires some time to prepare it, requiring a significant number of ward-glyphs to be activated in precise sequence.
  4. The Mirror of the Stars must be aligned to provide the following operations at the required time:
    1. The Perfection of Moment - to align all aspects of the operation with the astrological conjunction
    2. The Equivocation of Elements - to render the elemental forces of Time and Space equivalent at the moment of the astrological conjunction.
    3. The Opening of Ways - set to occur six seconds following the astrological conjunction, to allow one to reenter the primum temporum from the null-point
  5. (It would be theoretically possible to complete the operation without the use of a Mirror of the Stars; however this would require the use of magic of the 9th circle, which is likely beyond the capability of any mortal mind to master)
  6. Note that the operation requires a vial of the blood of a humanoid who has been killed within a day of the casting of the Rite of Summons. We have found it generally possible to acquire this component from condemned criminals rather than make specific sacrifices for this purpose as the Katari did; it is also technically possible to kill and then immediately revive a volunteer in order to harvest this component, though this is not without its own risks, and should be performed within an area warded against divination in order to minimise the attention of the Inevitables.
  7. (The Rite of Summons could be avoided were one to have access to some other method of passing into the ethereal Periphery; I am told that the Katari reckoned it possible within the 7th circle of magical power, though such a thing is likely beyond the ability of any presently-living magician - save perhaps for the Teriani, who would not be inclined to cooperate in any case. Given our limited resources and the specifics of the operation, it was determined that the heartstone of a Night Hag would be the most suitable method - and our experiments in conducting the First Incantation alone have proven that this is an effective method of acquiring such, with risks which are strictly manageable)
  8. The entire operation must be conducted within an area warded against divination; if this is not done during the First Incantation, you risk the retribution of the hags. More importantly, if this is not in place during the Zeroth and Third Incantations the Qarut will become aware that this operation is being performed, and will attempt to eliminate the magician with deadly force. The Tower’s wards are entirely suitable for this purpose, though a similar “Private Sanctum” would be just as effective.
  9. Should the operation be conducted within the Tower, the interdiction field must be suppressed until the completion of the first stage; the interdiction field must be raised during the Banishment of the Self.
  10. The following spells must be inscribed within ward-glyphs arrayed around the sanctum:
    1. The Fortress of Intellect - keyed to target the magician when they begin the Rite of Summoning, or else to be triggered by your beginning the activation phrase for the Rite of Banishment.
    2. The Rite of Protection from Forces Evil and Good - keyed to target the magician when they begin the Rite of Summoning, or else to be triggered by your beginning the activation phrase for the Rite of Banishment.
    3. The Magic Circle of Binding - keyed to manifest when the Night Hag appears at the centre of the Sanctum.
    4. The Rite of Banishment - keyed to target the magician when the activation phrase for the Second Incantation is spoken.
  11. For the correct operation of the Self-Banishment, two ward glyphs must be prepared as such:
    1. If within the Tower: with the Illusion of the Magic Mouth, set to speak the command phrase to raise the interdiction field, keyed to trigger immediately after the Rite of Banishment is successfully cast upon the magician; and a second to activate sixty-six seconds later to speak the command phrase to lower the interdiction field.
    2. If without the Tower: with the rite of the Private Sanctum, set to prevent planar travel, keyed to trigger immediately after the Rite of Banishment is successful cast upon the magician; and then a second keyed to activate sixty-six seconds later to dispel the Private Sanctum.
  12. It is optional, though not strictly necessary, to also include the following ward-glyphs:
    1. The Comprehension of Languages, or Rite of Tongues - keyed to target the magician when they begin the Rite of Summoning. This is to ease communication with the Night Hag.
    2. The Rite of Nondetection - keyed to target the magician when they begin the Rite of Summoning. This is for additional assurance of anonymity to the Night Hag, and guards against a possible risk of unveiling to the Qarut, should the shroud against divination provided by the Private Sanctum be dispelled along with the planar interdiction if the operation is being performed outside of the Tower.
    3. Any number of ward-glyphs empowering a Counterspell - keyed to any being other than the magician casting a spell within the sanctum. These will aid in the prevention of the Night Hag’s escape.
    4. Additional ward-glyphs set to trigger upon the Night Hag’s appearance, imbued with Banes and the Slivers of the Mind, in order to weaken her resolve.


Zeroth Incantation: To Close the Circle

  1. Ensure the integrity of the wards.
  2. Attempt to retrieve the record of the operation from the River, abandoning the operation in its entirety should you be successful.

First Incantation: To Acquire the Heartstone

  1. Ensure the integrity of the wards.
  2. Ensure that you are veiled and masked, that you may not be identified by the Night Hag.
  3. Surround yourself with a circle of the blood that will be used for the Rite of Summoning. This will prevent the Night Hag from directly harming you in the initial phase of the ritual.
  4. Cast the Rite of Summoning, calling the Night Hag into the world. The Magic Circle of Binding shall immediately come into effect, further constraining her ability to act against you.
  5. Using her True Name, command the Night Hag to throw her heartstone through the circle. It is possible that she will resist your commands; in which case, you must persevere, using any other method of persuasion and threat at your disposal. If necessary, physical violence may be employed to slay the Night Hag and take the heartstone by force, but this should be avoided if at all possible due to the risks of doing so. When she realises your intention, she will doubtless attempt to escape, though the counterspell glyphs and magic circle should impede this.
  6. Once you have her heartstone in hand, confirm that it is indeed the item you seek and that the Night Hag has not deceived you, through casting the Rite of Identification.
  7. Once you have confirmed that you do indeed have the heartstone, dismiss the Night Hag and command her to depart.

Second Incantation: To Banish the Self

  1. Ensure the integrity of all wards.
  2. Precisely one minute before the astrological conjunction, grasping the heartstone, speak the activation phrase for the glyph empowered with the Rite of Banishment. Do not resist the force that seeks to banish you from the material world.
  3. You shall be forced from the material world, encapsulated in a demiplane within the Periphery for one minute, during which time you will be prevented from acting.
  4. Upon the fading of the Rite of Banishment, you will be drawn back to the Material World, but being unable to return due to the interdiction field, you shall remain within the Periphery and begin to be drawn into the Unfound.
  5. At this moment the astrological conjunction shall occur, and the Mirror of the Stars shall activate, equivocating Time and Space. As you are no longer extant in Space, you shall also become no longer extant in Time; the preparatory rites, and possession of the heartstone, shall prevent you from being immediately and irrevocably destroyed by this process.

Third Incantation: To Isolate the Tower

  1. Conduct the ritual to shift the temporal Anchorhead of the Tower to your current time. As you exist outside of the normal flow of time, the Anchorhead will be drawn the same null-point in the timeframe.
  2. In the case of an Anchorhead that is not invested in a Mystic Pylon, this would result in the annihilation of the Anchorhead; however as the Mystic Pylons are an inherent and inalienable part of the primum materium, they cannot be removed from the primum materium in this way and will instead enter into a superposition wherein they exist both in the primum temporum and at the null-point, and can be treated as if either were the sole case depending on the requirements of the one attuned to the Anchorhead.
  3. It should be noted that this theoretical understanding is as-yet untested, though divinatory information and the advice of a particular source with extensive knowledge of planar mechanics has led me to believe that this is the most likely result of completing this operation. There is a theoretical risk of destroying the Tower and reverting the Pylon to the state in which it would exist had the Tower never been constructed; however I have reason to believe that our wider work has had the unanticipated but beneficial effect of ensuring that the Pylon and Tower are sufficiently entwined as to make this extremely unlikely.
  4. If the operation is successful, it will then be possible to leave the temporal null-point through the Anchored Recall; further adjustments to the temporal properties of the Tower can then be made at leisure.
  5. If the operation is unsuccessful, it may yet be possible to escape the temporal null-point via a different Anchorhead, through the use of the Anchored Recall. Should this, too, fail, it may be possible to use the heartstone to traverse the Periphery to return to the primum materium, though there is no guarantee of when one might exit. Should even this fail, there is nothing left to do but surrender oneself to the River of Time, casting this record into the depths from whence it might then be recovered prior to the commencement of the operation, in order that you may therefore not attempt the operation and shall thus survive it with mind, body, and soul intact; it is preferable that this act of Supreme Oraculum be empowered by the Infinite Will, given that the destruction of one’s soul is at this point inevitable in any case.


Zeroth Incantation:

  1. I have enchanted a quill to record my findings as I speak them, omitting ritual rubrics and so-on.
  2. I confirm that there exists no record of this operation within the River of Time.
  3. I proceed to the First Incantation.

First Incantation:

  1. I have, by her True Name, called upon the Night Hag known to most as Old Mother Snakeroot, and commanded her to surrender her heartstone to me; by my authority she was powerless to disobey, and though she swore the most frightful imprecations and threats against me, I have no reason to suspect that she has discerned my identity.
  2. With her heartstone in my possession, I proceed to the Second Incantation.

Second Incantation:

  1. I am held within a bubble of nonreality. The incantation proceeds according to plan. The conjunction occurs in thirty seconds.
  2. The conjunction occurs in six seconds.
  3. I am within the conjunction; my position is null, my time is null. I am in a not insignificant amount of pain. But I am alive.
  4. I see nothing. Hear nothing. Only the silent blue depths between. Is this the null-point of time? No, I don’t think so. There is a sense of something building. As if I am falling.
  5. I have encountered something solid. Turns out that I was falling. I think I may have broken a few ribs. This is rather more of an embodied experience than I was expecting. I’m not sure exactly what is going on here.
  6. I don’t understand. There shouldn’t be anything here. Something must have gone wrong. I’m in a forest of some kind, but everything looks strange. None of this makes any sense.
  7. Hang on, something’s coming. I’d better prepare… oh shit. How in the Four Hells?
  8. I’m alive. Barely. Old Mother Snakeroot caught up with me. She must be able to sense the position of her heartstone when it’s here… I must be beyond the limits of the shroud. I got away, but I had to drop it. I’m abandoning the operation; I should be able to use the Anchorhead to escape back to the primum temporum.
  9. Oh gods.
  10. Oh gods, no, this cannot be happening.
  11. I can’t access the Anchorhead at all. I don’t understand. And there are things in the forest, things that are hunting me. I’m going to have to be quiet for a bit.
  12. It’s been… it feels like a few hours, but I can’t tell. I think I’ve worked out where I am now, and I think I’ve found something that might get me out of here. There’s a stone arch marked with a five-pointed star. If that’s what I think it is, the Tolling Bell should open it. It’s a hell of a risk, but if this is the Shattered Forest, then the arch is a portal which should open onto the River of Time. At which point, I can try stepping into the River. Might kill me, might get me home.
  13. The Bell worked… I think. I can’t see the River - just darkness, and stars. I think it might have opened to somewhere beyond the Great Gates. Might be a result of the conjunction. This is a bigger step into the unknown than I had anticipated, but there’s no turning back now. Snakeroot’s still out there somewhere, and she’s seen my face now - so it’s only a matter of time before she tracks me down. And I’m not strong enough to hold her off again… I suppose given the possibility of annihilation against the certainty of having my soul ripped out and stuffed in a bag for her to torture for the rest of all time… well, no looking back. I will keep describing all that I see and experience beyond it, just on the off-chance that this record ever makes it back to reality.

Beyond the Gate:

  1. Before all: Aza, First and Last and Eternal.
  2. Cthos, the lightning serpent manifesting in self-willed existence, striking the darkness to fertilise the egg that floats upon the Sea of Aza.
  3. The egg of Creation, one of many, hatching into a sphere of light, the shell sinking beneath the waves of the Astral Sea.
  4. From the sphere, four points of light separate; four elements, forming a tetrahedral pyramid. Six bridges that bind them, six primary alchemical metals. And a void within, where Earth, Water, Air and Fire are not.
  5. The elements separate, then combine: purified, and elevated. The physical world forms within the pyramid, a darkness of possibility still within it, shining with a myriad of myriads of star-souls.
  6. The unfolding of the pyramid into a decahedron: it becomes possible to discern stasis from change, order from chaos - though from the more distant eye the difference is illusory. These new poles split once more: fate and will, time and space. The walls twist and change, and reality is as a cube, in which floats a shining pearl that has coalesced about the fertile darkness.
  7. And I see within that darkness each star-soul is itself an egg upon the Sea of Aza, fertilised by the caress of the serpent Cthos, hatching into a sphere that becomes a pyramid, at the centre of which a wondrous darkness full of stars - and so on unto infinity.
  8. In the faces of the cube, six gates by which the without and the within do mix; and twenty-four great spirits that arise, the High Gods themselves, who at the appointed time and in the appointed manner, do seal the gates.
  9. Aeons pass. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, all in accordance with the divine plan. The souls from the innermost darkness ascend, becoming flesh, rising, dispersing, becoming one with the universe.
  10. And at length all possibilities become manifest. All deeds that might be done, all words that might be spoken, all thoughts that might arise within a mind, and all lives that might be lived - all these things have come to pass.
  11. The innermost darkness becomes dead and inert. Souls no longer rise. The light that pervades all things becomes dim.
  12. A final moment, the end of time, extended almost infinitely by the raven-kings of the City of Forever - before it too fades. Then fade the High Gods, and the spirits of the eight elements - for they, too, are but dead matter. The world is completed, perfected; a splendid crystalline corpse, floating upon the Astral Sea until it is swallowed by that which dwells within that same Sea.
  13. Thus passes the glory of the world.
  14. And beyond that: Aza, First and Last and Eternal.

  15. This see I all reflected in the eye of the great serpent Yrilu, and know that it is the fate of the world as was decreed before time, fate, or the world ever existed. A fate inevitable, inescapable, inexorable; that which by necessity of its nature shall come to pass.
  16. Yet I, who am within this instant one with the mind of Yrilu, am permitted the awareness of our fate - and in doing so, I-Yrilu are permitted the awareness of our choices. And presented with the inevitably of the past-future, I-Yrilu deny that fate.
  17. I-Yrilu feel the barbs of that baleful, godslaying spear - and we die, as true and final a death as any death may ever be. And we pass beyond the Gates, where time is not: and once more we watch the unfolding of creation.
  18. In the absence of Yrilu, the Eight become Seven. The perfect symmetry is broken, the cube unbalanced. A gate is open, which the High Gods, in their perfect symmetry, cannot close: and possibility floods in.
  19. Unbalanced force turns always to chaos: the flood of unknown possibilities disrupts the perfect order of the cosmos. I see the Ab'yrit rush in, the formless taking on forms hideous and beautiful, entrancing in their unworldly nature. And among them, the Aboleth, riding upon the tides of the Astral Ocean.
  20. The High Gods decree: this shall not stand. The Gate must be sealed, and order restored. And in the Palace of Time, I see arise a woman who is a horned serpent - and hear her cry aloud as ascending the steps of the Empty Throne she lifts a blazing torch: "I, the Companion of Dusk, shall not obey!"
  21. I see war overtake creation, as the High Gods fall upon each other; the forces of Order and the forces of Change evenly balanced - and creation is torn asunder. The Gods are powerless; the Gates swing wide.
  22. And from the world below, great dragons of crystal, of topaz, amethyst, sapphire and emerald arise, and speak binding oaths as they pass through the Gates. Five arise; six pass through the Gates; ten return to the world below - and this mystery I cannot fathom, for there is a force here which disrupts my sight, a haze which cannot be pierced.
  23. And from the heights and the depths, fire and water call out: you have betrayed us!
  24. I see the cataracts of flame scour the world, and the great waters rise up against them; and I watch as the dwellers in the Great Forest raise up five towers, separating the Heavens from the Earth, dividing flesh and spirit, thought and deed. And where there was but one void without and within, I see the jaws of the Blue Abyss open wide - and the Tribe of Water and the Tribe of Fire are torn away from each other.
  25. I see Frozen Bitterness open the ways; and the Giants walk the lands. I see Burning Envy seal them once more, and the Ordning falls. And I see the birth of the Tribes of Earth.
  26. I see them rise from the ice and spread across the world; I see the marvels and wonders that they create. Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall, some familiar, others strange and hauntingly beautiful. I see the Tribes of Earth come to the crossroads of history - and choose a path untrodden, lit by the light of a lone flame.
  27. Again the High Gods of Order proclaim: This Shall Not Stand!
  28. I see nine arise to stand against the High Gods - nine whose eyes are opened, and see with the sight of the dragons, and who thus gaze upon the unspeakable countenance.
  29. I see the Orobouran wizard, who blazed the trail that I now follow, as he glimpses the truth as Yrilu did - but in his hubris clings to the idea that he can change the future that he has already, through his struggle against it, ensured shall come to pass.
  30. I see the Wheel tumble from its axis: the birthing pangs of the new world in the death-throes of the old.
  31. I see the forest fracture; I see tomorrow die; I see the doom of the gods, and hear the deathcry of the Tribes of Air.
  32. Creation is broken; they have shattered it in service of their impossible dream. They have slain a world in the hope that it will be made anew. But the new world does not come.
  33. Some gaze to the horizon, and recognising now the onrushing storm for what it truly is, they fix their eyes upon it and steel themselves against what is to come. Some gaze down at the world that they have killed, and declaring it only half-dead, they seek to destroy it utterly. Some gaze to the heavens, and can do nothing but mourn all that they have lost.
  34. And some - too few, too few - gaze at what remains, and understand that it is not enough to destroy that which came before - but that they must build anew, and that it is from the dreams of the old world that shall be carved the foundations of the new.
  35. I see their virtue, their strength, compassion, and dedication; and yet, I see them all fall prey to their truest and most ancient of enemies, their own selves.
  36. I see their unity fracture; I see them turn upon each other. The pivot shatters, and they are no longer in balance with one-another.
  37. Each distorts the world by their very presence: a terrible sign burns in the skies as the sun creeps lower and lower; the moon is blood-red, and the stars are strange and alien. That which lives is struck by a terrible sickness, or a strange and warped vitality that is just as awful; that which dies rises once more, and the dead outnumber the living. Dream and reality, truth and illusion, all become one; and so too, the minds of the many are drawn together until they forget their own names - one mind, one soul, one destiny.
  38. And the world is scarred so deeply and so widely that every soul retains a memory of the horror and the grief, each and every trauma and catastrophe written indelibly upon the heart of the world.
  39. Eight fall into balance; and one dissents. I see the warp and weft of fate part, and nine inner eyes are opened once more.
  40. I see them rise to overthrow the emergent order of things. I see their virtue, their strength, compassion, and dedication. And I weep as I see them make the same mistakes as those who went before.
  41. I wrench my eyes away, unable to look as the god-slaying spear is driven once more into the heart of one who cannot die - and I see the Prince of the Forest, the last of his kin, sacrifice a thousand worlds that might have been, all for the sake of one impossible hope: that love might somehow suffice.
  42. And I see that all this has happened before, and will happen again, and that what has been set in motion shall continue eternally; that there is no old world and no new, no revolution that shall set us free, nobody who shall rescue us, and no way that we might strike the chains from ourselves.
  43. We are trapped inside the machine as it shakes itself apart; and when at last that day comes that the walls of creation fall down, we shall simply cease altogether. Nothing of us shall survive; nothing of us shall be remembered. It shall be as if we never were.
  44. And I see a tear fall from the eye of Yrilu as it closes, and I am alone in nothingness beyond.

  45. The Azoth is dead. There is no cosmic plan. Just echoes of patterns, all meaningless. Progress is an illusion, and so too the myth of a golden past.
  46. And here I feel the claws of the Utterdark enter my mind - and its bitter-sweet voice whispers “Give in, give in! Hope is an illusion, meaning an illusion, purpose an illusion - and there is nothing beyond save for the ever-grinding mill of souls which continues to turn even in the absence of all these things.”
  47. Yet even knowing this to be true, as Tan’aru did-and-shall-do, it is by my Immaculate Will that I raise a torch in the darkness and declare: No.
  48. I deny the twin falsehoods of tyrannical light and meaningless darkness. As I stand beyond worlds, I assert that I stand beyond life and death, beyond order and chaos, beyond good and evil.
  49. I see it clearly now, more clearly than I ever did before. My eyes have been opened as were the eyes of the Paragons, as were the eyes of the Dragons Who Passed Beyond, as were the eyes of Yrilu First-to-Dream-and-First-to-Die.
  50. But it is not for the gods, nor Yrilu, nor the false Orobouran, nor his penitent-traitor; nor for the Shattered Prince, nor even for the Dancer or Song that Makes Worlds Anew;
  51. Not for hope of humanity, nor for a better future; not for the Ab’yrit, nor the Aboleth, nor the Dragons nor the Tribe of Air; but for myself alone, and the certainty that this is sufficient - for this, this alone, I make my vow:
  52. That I shall transcend all these things, and remake the world in my image.
  53. For I name myself thus Ka'oa'Ka: That Which Having Been Destroyed Exists In Perpetuity.
  54. And by my Infinite Will, I deliver this message through the Gate unto the River of Time.
  55. Witness therefore the words of my death; witness therefore the words of my birth.
  56. It is done.It is done. It is done.

Archivist's notes

It is unknown how long this text has been in the possession of the Gilded Tower. It was first found during a routine audit of the secure archives in 803 AK, in untranslated form. An addendum was found written in a variant of illusory script, presumed enchanted to be permanent, which has not been able to be deciphered.

It has not been possible to conclusively determine the identity of the author of this work; at the instruction of Mistress Protonike as of 824 AK no further attempts to do so are to be made, and no speculation on this subject is to be recorded in the Tower's archives. Attempts to contact "Ka'oa'Ka" through magical means have been unable to confirm the existence of any entity by that name; all forms of divination so far attempted in regards to Ka'oa'Ka have failed without result. Neither has it been possible to obtain any unambiguous information on Ka'oa'Ka via oracular appeal to the Nine Daughters or any other entity.

The student of Chronurgy is advised in the strongest possible terms that the experiments described in this text should not be attempted under any circumstances.
Record, Transcript (Communication)


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