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Khut Gezarat

Founded by Tevashi refugees in the years following the Eruption of Mat Zadat, Khut Gezarat has been staunchly independent of outside control for centuries, though without resorting to the isolationism of some other freeholds. It has withstood several major sieges in its history, though since the 12th century had been party to a "Pact of Understanding" with Aldernord which preserved its independence in exchange for some economic concessions. The freehold is known both for its copper mines, and for a number of other minerals which are produced here, many of which have particular academical uses.   Though the Pact of Understanding is now no longer relevant, a similar arrangement has been agreed with the Autokrator of Auditore. It is relatively well-known that the Dictator of Savura has made overtures to Khut Gezarat about accession to the League of Savura, and whilst the High Judge has declined this offer on several occasions, there is said to be a fairly sizable faction of pro-Savuran dwarves in the city who are agitating for this, much to the displeasure of the ruling oligarchs.
Founding Date
549 AK
Ruling/Owning Rank


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