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Leonora Marivaldi-Zaal

Former captain of the Cameri garrison; held the city for several weeks against the Savuras in 1339AK before surrendering after the outer walls were breached; she was permitted to leave the city along with the garrison. Arrested by the Royal Guard on a charge of treason after returning to our lines - unprompted she confessed to being an agent of the Savuran revolutionaries, and of having deliberately undermined the Cameri’s defences in order to allow the Savurans to take the city. Guillaume found this confession entirely implausible and I am inclined to agree with that assessment; she has stuck to this story in the face of all reason, and I believe she was prepared to have gone to the gallows for it, had we not taken her into custody for further debriefing. I get the sense that she is protecting someone else - though who is anyone’s guess.
  A scion of the client house of Marivaldi-Zaal, Leonora was born in Cameri in 1304AK. She served in the Alderni military from the age of seventeen, initially on the Balthan, and then later in the forces that fought against the Savuran rebels. She was appointed Captain of the garisson forces of Cameri in 1334AK, on the reccomendation of several members of the Houses of Riddacci, Ysern, and Zaal, a post which she held until the siege of Cameri in 1339AK.  

The Fall of Cameri

Leonora was in command of the forces defending Cameri during the battle of 1339AK, setting her headquarters in the vast and ancient Castello Cameri. The precise sequence of events that occured during the final days of the siege of Cameri are yet to be fully established, and it is unclear at what point Leonora might have given the order for the garrison to surrender - and, indeed, what her motives may have been. Whilst she confessed to the Royal Guard that she had sabotaged the city's defences, this seems unlikely to have been true.   According to Duna Ysern, an order had been given by Arturo Riddacci van Tuerbroek that Cameri was to be defended "no matter the cost", but that both she and Leonora chose to disobey this order after learned of something deeply sinister that was occuring in the city; it seems likely that this might have related to the presence of a necromantic "bone altar" linked to the Casket of Shadows.  

Secrets and Lies

Less widely-known is that Leonora was for many years the lover of Duna Ysern, who would later become Matriarch of House Ysern and Grand Marshall of Aldernord. It has been suggested that Leonora may have confessed to treason in order to protect Duna; her transfer into the custody of the Queensknife appears to have been engineered by Guillaume Arthmael-Riddacci and Ortolf Kruger-Ysern in order to gain additional leverage over Duna Ysern, and her House as a whole.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Cameri Garrison (1334-1339AK)
Year of Birth
1310 34 Years old
Aligned Organization


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