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Qi'eka'a (kee-ekka-ah)

Worshiped primarily, in the modern age, by the aarakocra of the Spire Isles and those that dwell upon the highest mountains of Kataris, Qi'eka'a is said to be the supreme deity of air, perhaps even the source from which the element itself springs. Unimaginably ancient, Qi'eka'a is said to have existed since the world first took form, and to have been worshiped under many names and guises by peoples across the world since the first sentient being gazed up in awe at the lightning arcing between the clouds above them.   Mercurial to the point of fickleness, Qi'eka'a is a being of constant change. When it deigns to appear in visions and dreams, it takes the form of a vast maelstrom of wings, lightning flashing within the whirling vortex of feathers and claws, its voice like the howling of the wind. It dispenses blessings and instruction according to its inscrutable whim, and when roused to anger is said to send terrible storms to lay waste to those who have offended it.

Divine Domains

In its broadest sense, the portfolio of Qi'eka'a encompasses all matters relating to the element of air. It is the supreme power ruling over all air elementals and similar entities, and is said to have absolute authority over them. It has a particular association with the winds, storms, lightning, birds and other things capable of flight; more esoterically, it is sometimes associated with the power of speech and language, and the practice of magic.

Holy Books & Codes

Due to the rather dispersed nature of its following, there are no canonical holy texts relating to Qi'eka'a that are generally accepted by all its worshippers. Among the aarakocra of the Spire Isles who make up the majority of its devotees, the doctrines and tales of Qi'eka'a tend to be passed down orally, it being said that to do so honors Qi'eka'a in a way that written accounts do not. This view is not shared by all adherents, though, especially beyond the Spire Isles; indeed, one of the most cited books on Qi'eka'a is "In the Palaces of Air", a volume of devotional poetry written by Ki'alka-mu'riqq, an aarakocran devotee of Qi'eka'a who dwelled in Eastpillar in the late 8th century AK.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Qi'eka'a is represented by a number of different sigils and symbols; the most common is a stylized bolt of lightning, often depicted in blue. Other common elements include feathers, wings, and storm clouds.

Tenets of Faith

Qi'eka'a has few consistent formal teachings; one common thread is that it encourages its aspirants to pursue their goals directly and without hesitation. To quote a traditional proverb among the aarakocra of the Spire Isles - "carve your path through life as the lightning carves the heavens". It is sometimes said that Qi'eka'a grants power freely, but that its gifts are contingent on that power being actively wielded towards some goal; the goal itself matters little, but power unused or left to go stagnant is said to be anathema to it.
Divine Classification
Primordial, Elemental
Metaphysical Title
Primordial Elemental of Air
Masks and Aliases
Breath of the Divine
He Whose Cry Pierces the Heavens
Voice of Thunder
Elemental Air


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