Errich Alderleaf Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Errich Alderleaf

Errich Alderleaf

In 1489 DR, while visiting his aunt Qelline in Phandalin, Errich joined the Redbrands and made some decent coin as a burglar but always gave some of his money to his aunt. His aunt never suspected where the money was coming from.   But Errich made an enemy among his fellow Redbrands. Someone had set him up. On that person’s word, the head of the Redbrands, Glasstaff, tried to have him killed. Errich barely managed to escape.   He fled Phandalin. After a month, Errich decided to return to Phandalin to see how his aunt Qelline and cousin Carp were doing. He also fears that if the Redbrands were to learn that Qelline is his aunt, he fears the Redbrands would try to kill her and her son, Carp. However, Errich was soon captured by the Redbrands and imprisoned in their hideout beneath Tresendar Manor.   He was later freed by a group of adventurers whom he joined and helped to defeat the Redbrands and exact his revenge on their leader, Glasstaff. After, the manor and the dungeon below became the property of the adventurers. The others continued on their own personal journeys, leaving Errich behind with the task of renovating the manor.   It's been five years since Errich and his old adventuring friends defeated the Redbrands. For four years, Errich renovated the manor on his own to save money. However, it was taking too long. Reluctantly, he hired the help of a group of dwarves. In less than one year, the dwarves had done more to restore the old manor than Errich had accomplished in four years.   At the current rate, Tresendar should be completed before the current year of 1494's end.


Contacts & Relations

Aunt Qelline, Alderleaf Farm

Lightfoot Halfling Rogue

Current Location
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Current Residence
Phandalin, Tresendar Manor


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