Rollard Arikson Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Rollard Arikson

Rollard Arikson

Rollard Arikson began his adventuring life as a cleric of Tymora while growing up in Waterdeep. At some point, while adventuring in Undermountain, the rogue in his party was slain. In need of a rogue, Rollard did what he could and used what very little roguish skills Tymora had blessed him with so the party could complete their quest.     But the cleric of Tymora was smitten by the prospects of becoming a rogue and a cleric of the goddess of luck. After his party completed their foray into Undermountain, Rollard continued to learn the craft of becoming an expert thief. What better way to serve the goddess of luck? In time, he met Nori, a human daughter of a merchant in Waterdeep. The two married a day after they met. With the money Rollard made adventuring, he purchased a tavern in Waterdeep, The Lucky Coin.    After adventuring briefly with the Champions of the Vale, Rollard took some time off from adventuring to spend time with Nori and his only child, a son named Jon. After their son turned two, and Nori announced they were expecting their second child, Rollard and Nori decided to sell the tavern and move to Bear’s Head to start a new life there as they wait for the arrival of their next child.

Male Half-Elf Rogue and Cleric of Tymora

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