Belton Cutpurse Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Belton Cutpurse

Belton Cutpurse

The youngest of twenty-three brothers and sisters, Belton was always overlooked and forgotten. He did not help matters in that regard for he learned at a young age the skills of coming and going unobserved. With twenty-three siblings, that was an easy task so Belton decided on his thirty-first birthday to set out on his own. It was weeks before hisbrothers and sisters even noticed he was gone. Fascinated all his life with tales of the city, Belton set out for Waterdeep—the great City of Splendors. His curiosity coupled with his nimble fingers and knack for disappearing at just the right time caught the attention of a band of thieves in Waterdeep and soon enough he became a cutpurse of some renown.   But he enjoyed his profession more for the thrill of the theft than for the greed of the haul and he quickly ran afoul of his employers who were none too keen on his cavalier disregard for keeping an accurate accounting of his night’s takes. As Belton has always done before, he gave them the slip as well. He traveled north and found himself in the small town of Phandalin. While laying low at the Sleeping Giant, Belton noticed Coy’s post and decided then and there that a life of adventure was just the thing for him— particularly a life of adventuring that would take him away from Waterdeep…at least until he decides on something better to do.   Eventually Belton traveled with the elven ranger Daemar Sirius. Both were hired to help protect a Lionshield Coster caravan bound for the village of Nightstone.
Current Residence


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