Brick Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil


Brick's parents lived in the prosperous village of Haventree, northeast of the city of Neverwinter and at the edge of the Neverwinter Wood. Eventually, his family left Haventree and drifted from village to village around the region, finding work as laborers where possible.   Brick has spent the last few years in Neverwinter as a stonecutter working in a nearby quarry. But it’s clear to everyone around him that he is destined for much more. Brick stood up to an abusive foreman, so other workers looked up to him. Someday, they all knew, Brick would come into his own. He'll be a well-known hero of the Realms.    Brick wants to determine his own destiny. In the remote cloister of Dragon’s Rest lives an old sage who is supposed to possess great wisdom—or possibly supernatural insight. The cloister holds a temple to the dragon god Bahamut, who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. Brick figured that maybe Elder Runara can help him determine exactly his heroic destiny and set him on the right path to fulfill it, so he can become the hero he was meant to be.


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