Holga Kilgore Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Holga Kilgore

Holga Kilgore is a member of the Uthgardt Elk Tribe, and her strength and scowl conceal a generous heart. She’s a woman of few words who lets her actions (and punches) speak for her. A fearsome combatant when her ire is up, Holga wields anything that comes to hand—from weapons to snacks. Her unwavering loyalty makes her a fierce defender of allies, particularly her best friend, Edgin.   After Holga was exiled from her clan, she wandered unmoored and craving connection. Now that she has forged a new home with Edgin and his band of thieves, she won’t lose another family without a fight.      

Holga Kilgore


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