Kir Sabal

23 Uktar, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR)   Day 41 of 79   Monastery of Kir Sabal, Jungles of Chult       After traveling for over two weeks, the explorers arrive at the monastery of Kir Sabal in hopes of gaining the ability to fly as offered by Nephyr, an aarakocra Atwix and Nip'hto freed from the signal tower, Firefinger.      

      An ancient monastery overlooked the jungle from its perch on the cliff of a tall plateau.   Stone steps and rickety walkways connected the various buildings, the lowest of which was 500 feet above the ground. The main building had a circular mazelike symbol carved into its crumbling facade. Watabe, the group's Chultan guide, said the symbol was that of Ubtao who was the creator of Chult and the dinosaurs that inhabit it.   Every few minutes, bird folk either landed at the monastery or launch themselves from its balconies and took to the sky. Eventually, the group was spotted by two aarakocras. To their surprise, one happened to be Nephyr who was very happy to see Atwix and Nip'hto. Nephyr invited the group to meet Ashara, the matron leader of the monastery.    After an arduous climb that left bumps and bruises on half the party members, they finally reached the monastery.    Asharra met the group in the monastery's refectory where meals were prepared for everyone. The elderly aarakocra seemed very intelligent and knew much about the world beyond Chult. The other aarakocras referred to her as Teacher, revering her as a living saint.   After meeting Asharra, the group also met a young seventeen-year-old female human Chultan and her brother, who looked to be no more than six years old.   The young girl and boy were introduced by Asharra as Princess Mwaxanaré and Na.   To the group's amazement, all of the attending aarakocras bowed to the young girl and boy.   Asharra told the group Princess Mwaxanaré and Na were the last of the oldest living descendant of the royal families of Omu and the primary heir to the fallen kingdom. The princess and her brother were guests of the aarakocra—although “wards” might be a more accurate description, after the group was told the two had been living with the aarakocras since they had been born. Their great-grandmother, Napaka, was the last ruling queen of Omu; their father, Omek, died in a fall, and their mother, Razaan, was killed by pterafolk.   Asharra said the aarakocra aimed to protect the young royals (and their progeny, if necessary) until the evil in Omu was banished.   The group bowed respectfully to the Princess and her brother.   "You may rise," Princess Mwaxanaré said in perfect Common. The princess walked and sat at the head of the table. Na sat at the seat to her right.   As food was brought out and served for everyone, the princess turned to Bolte who sat nearby. The rogue felt the princess's lingering stare upon him. "From which of my holdings or principalities do you hail from?" she asked with a smile that Bolte realized was clearly flirtatious.   "Your grace, my friends and I are from Tanistan, a land far from here."   "I would someday wish to see this principality of...Tanistan so they may meet their queen." the princess said. She glanced flirtatiously at Bolte. "And you as my royal consort."   The other adventurers looked to one another and to Bolte, who did not seem to mind the princess's romantic advances at the very least.   It was clear that in Princess Mwaxanaré's view, she was already Queen of Chult, and the rest of Faerûn it seemed. The rest of the world was simply at fault for not acknowledging that.   The princess asked where the group was traveling to. When she learned they were traveling to the city of Omu, she seemed quite pleased to hear it. The group added they were in search of the Soulmonger, a powerful item that was the cause of the Death Curse that was plaguing all of Toril.   "When you go to free Omu from the evil that has overtaken it, you must retrieve a symbolically significant yet long-lost treasure called the Skull Chalice of Ch’gakare for me. It would be for the good of Chult. You would be rewarded, of course, with jewels and gems from my royal treasury."   Asharra asked the group to stay and rest for the night but the group had already spent 41 days in Chult. They wanted to leave after the highsun meal and reach Omu as quickly as they could.   Asharra offered to perform the Dance of the Seven Winds which would bestow upon each one of them the gift of flight. She said it would take but several minutes to perform.   "How long will the ability to fly last?" Atwix asked.   "Three full days," Asharra said. "And you will fly only as fast as you could walk."   The group was disappointed to learn they would only be able to fly for three days. They had spent over 20 days traveling to Kir Sabal. Now they wondered if it was worth it.   "How far is it to Omu from here?" Alice asked.   "Over 200 miles," the princess said. "It lies between the Peaks of Flame and the Valley of Lost Honor."   "We would have to push the speed we're traveling," Nip'hto said. "Even flying, if we fly as fast we walk and stop to rest, it would take us 20 days to reach Omu."   "That doesn't give us much time to find the Soulmonger once we reach Omu," Atwix said.   Nip'hto looked to his companions. "We don't have much choice. We have to reach Omu as fast as we can and find the Soulmonger as quickly as possible."   Bolte turned to Asharra. "Please begin the ritual. We're leaving as soon as it's completed."   Asharra nodded, rose from her seat, and left to prepare the ritual of the Dance of the Seven Winds.
Session played on December 9, 2020
Adventurers:     Alice (Female Human Cleric of Tempus)     Atwix (Male Drow Fighter)     Bolte Bastardo (Male Half-Elf Rogue)     Nip'hto the Tiptoe (Male Elf Ranger)       NPC:     Watabe (Male Human Chultan Scout)

Princes Mwaxanare and Na


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