
From a young age, Mask fell in with a thieves’ guild called the Gilded Gallows. Originally based in Waterdeep, the guild has prospered recently, spreading its influence across the Sword Coast as far south as Elturgard and north in Neverwinter. He followed that expansion, hoping to find his fortune in Neverwinter. His background shaped his character in important ways. Mask learned the use of thieves’ tools from scoundrels and gamblers and simultaneously picked up the Draconic language. His skills reflect his upbringing, talking his way out of trouble and skulking past unfriendly eyes.   Fortunes in Neverwinter have been fair, but not the fast riches Mask hoped for. He heard a story from a smuggler about a high-ranking member of the Gilded Gallows from Elturgard who turned traitor, killed their partner, and fled with a sovereign’s ransom in treasure. Thanks to details he had picked up here and there that corroborated the story, Mask is certain it was more than just a rumor.   Mask's goal is to find the lost fortune. Whoever that Gilder was who skipped out with the gold, they’ve covered their tracks well. The trail went cold in Neverwinter, but recently Mask learned of a remote island cloister called Dragon’s Rest. The cloister holds a temple to the dragon god Bahamut, a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. There is also a community of hermits who live there now, the perfect place to hide for someone wishing to escape their past. If that treasure’s there, Mask is certain he'll find it.
Played by Jonathan R.


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