Yuan-ti Raiders

11 Nightal, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR)   Day 59 of 79   Ruins of Omu, Jungles of Chult     As the other adventurers take a much-deserved break, Bolte and Atwix offer to search the southern part of Omu for Chief Yorb's favorite 180th son. Instead, they encountered a raiding party of yuan-ti bent on capturing them.    
  Bolte and Atwix searched through several buildings and found nothing but rubble and ancient discarded potteries.   It looked as though this part of the city once had shops that made and sold earthenware to the people of Omu.   The two adventurers offered to search for Imbok, the favorite 180th son of the grungs' leader, Chief Yorb. The grung chief offered to part with the puzzle cube in exchange for the safe return of Imbok who, according to Chief Yorb, had been grungnapped by a small tribe of vegepygmies who lived in the southern part of Omu.   On the way, the two ran into a party of five yuan-ti raiders. They spoke common and were intent on capturing Bolte and Atwix to take back to their master, Ras Nsi.   During the fight, the yuan-ti raiders used psionic abilities that allowed them to magically influence Atwix to stop fighting.   Even when Zartan appeared later in the encounter, a yuan-ti was able to persuade him to sit on the ground and cease fighting.   Thanks to Bolte's elven side as a half-elf, he was able to repeatedly withstand any yuan-ti's attempt at influencing him into surrendering.       Soon three yuan-ti raiders lay dead.   The two remaining raiders fled rather than risk fighting against Bolte, who kept hiding amongst the thick plants or rubble only to emerge just long enough to shoot at a yuan-ti with his deadly longbow.   After seeing to Atwix and Zartan, the jungle lord frantically told Atwix and Bolte to return with him to the others.   Apparently, a group of Red Wizards, along with armed men and many skeletons, had the rest of the party pinned down where they had fought and killed Bag of Nails.   The three quickly left to help their companions against the Red Wizards.   They only hoped it wasn't too late.

Session played on March 3, 2021
Adventurers:   Atwix (Male Drow Fighter)   Bolte Bastardo (Male Half-Elf Rogue)       NPCs:   Zartan, the Jungle Lord (Male human barbarian NPC)
Yuan-ti Malison Type 1


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