Alustriel Silverhand Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Alustriel Silverhand

Alustriel Silverhand

Lady Alustriel Silverhand is a human wizard who served for many years as the ruler of the open city of Silverymoon. She is one of the Seven Sisters.   She was a powerful mage, being one of the Chosen of Mystra and one of the Seven Sisters. She was known for her love and devotion to her people, something especially unusual for many people who hold political power. Therefore, she was extremely popular in Silverymoon, and most of her subjects would do anything in their power to prevent any harm from happening to her. She was considered a wise and fair ruler, but she did not hesitate to be ruthless when needed (i.e. in diplomacy).

Ruler of Silverymoon

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