Catnip Nodelkiir Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Catnip Nodelkiir

Catnip Nodelkiir

Catnip grew up just outside of Greenest in the Greenfields. My mother’s side of the family were gem cutters and my father’s side were gem-hunters – half my family was super adventurous and the other half more practical (I like the adventurous side better but loved everyone). (Mom = Roswyn, Dad = Ervyn) When I was 10ish I started going to the Feywild with my cousins and met a ghaele (celestial eladrin) my age who taught me magic as she learned it. She was like my invisible best friend who I visited in another world, and who would come hang out with me as a globe of light in my own world. Her name was Shaenoryx but I called her Trixie Nyxie and she called me Ninny Wynny which I HATED but also thought was endearing because she only meant it as ninny since I wasn’t super powerful/indestructible like her. As far as I know, she’s still alive. I didn’t say goodbye to her when I left on my bounty adventure (I don’t like goodbyes).   I had a fun childhood and never took anything too seriously. I could listen to stories from my gem-hunting relatives and father about the outside world for HOURS. I rough-housed with my cousins, loved helping cut gems with my mom, and collected random trinkets from the woods around our town. I secretly read a lot before bed – I didn’t want people to think I was smart (mostly because I didn’t want that responsibility).   Of course a fairytale story doesn’t last long. . . when I was 17 my townspeople left to help another town fight in a battle that wasn’t our own but we were aligned with them so we wanted to help. Because I was 17 I wasn’t allowed to go, but that didn’t stop me from trying to sneak away to join the fight. As I was trekking to join the fighters my family back home were attacked by a small group of bug bears. My mom and little brother (Orvwyn) were slaughtered and the guilt I felt when I returned to find that (I left them defenseless, had I been there I DEFINITELY could have prevented the murder). I don’t have any family left – they all when to join the battle or were off hunting gems and I left before they came back (they were the distant cousins).   I don’t share this story. The details in my mind are blurry. As a defense mechanism I have a very bad memory and can be quite flighty. I try not to take things seriously and am very YOLO because your life could be gone at any time. I also defend the ones I love fiercely. I love listening to the stories of others and deflect when it’s my turn to share.   So Catnip is 26, her family died when she was 17, she met Clover when she was 18, and met Willy’s family when she was 19.   My three why's - YOLO, to help others, to learn EVERYTHING about this plane - just out of curiosity - for funsies.
Current Location
Waterdeep Prison
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Current Residence
Waterdeep Prison

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