Kadzurak Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Kadzurak was born as the smallest of a litter of three bugbears into the Shining Eye Tribe, which included both goblins and bugbears. His mother died shortly after giving birth. Triplets are rare in bugbear clans, and the whelp of the litter rarely lives beyond five years of age.   That might have been the end of Kadzurak's story, if it wasn't for a tragic event. At age 4, a brutal fight between his other siblings left Tomyak , his brother, with a broken arm that required amputation and his sister Brilla, dead, thrown off a cliff with a chunk of Tomyak's arm in her fangs. As a result, Kadzurak was able to out compete his brother for food and the attention of his clan father, Vernulak. Vernulak tought Kadzurak, now the family's the best hope, ways of fighting with long sticks. Something Kadzurak excelled at.   At age 9, Kadzurak won a clan stick fighting tournament for the younger bugbears and older goblins of the tribe. This caught the attention of the Clan Chief, Madizok Shining Eye, so named for an effect of a mysterious magical bear pelt Headress, Winiroth . Madizok allowed Vernulak , Kadzurak and his crippled son move closer to Madizok's own tent. An honor for the struggling family ,that brings prestige ,wealth to the family. It also brought trouble. Madizok's son, Keruzhar, a cruel, entitled bugbear, instantly took to tormenting the one-armed Tomyak. First by singeing his fur and later poking and tormenting him any chance he could get. One day , Madizok, saw Keruzhar tormenting Tomyak and ordered the two to fight to the death for his amusement, in front of the whole tribe. A move to show Keruzhar's battle skill tot he tribe. Tomyak was losing the fight badly and Vernulak tried to intervene. He was instead incinerated by Madizok's magical Headress. When the fight was continued, Tomyak died. Madizok ordered the clan shaman Horizhar, to become Kadzurak's new clan father.   Life with Horizhar was good, He learned to call upon the spirits of his dead family to protect him, but otherwise , held little of the ability to channel the power of the gods, that Horizhar had. He also learned that Madizok, gained most of his power from Winiroth, and that Winiroth was forged in the abyss and required the wearer to arrange sacrifices to it, to regain it's power.   Kadzurak waited for a night that Keruzhar was due to lead a night patrol. He stole some of his clan father's explosion powders and left them wher the goblins could find them. While Madizhok was distracted with his harem Kadzurak snuck into Madizhoks tent and stole Winiroth and fled into the night. Running for 2 days straight before callapsing in a cave.   That was the first time, Winiroth spoke to him...   Winiroth began filling Kadzuak's mind with thoughts that he should have been tribe leader and that he is strongest and best among his kind. At first confused, Kadzuak was scared of the talking headress. But more and more Winiroth's mental words of encouragement began to sink in. And he gave more of himself to Winiroth. The more he wore the headress, the more he liked the power and good words. He began to count on the headress more and more and he could do things with Winiroth that he never saw his old chieftain do. He could fire multiple bolts of fire from the headress. He could jump from place to place without walking there. He could even disappear from sight. Kadzurak used the headress to kill a small dragon. And keeps the two largest teeth as a trophy. Kadzurak then began to let Winiroth take complete control.   Then things changed. Winiroth, and Kadzurak had taken to attacking small caravans usually killing one or 2 of the guards and intimidating the rest into compliance. One rainy day, they attacked a caravan well east of the marsh but before the Anauroch Desert. The guardsman, Sir Sandwier Lionsbane, challenged Kadzurak to single combat. managed to dislodge the headdress from Kadzurak's head. Taking advantage of the stunned Kadzurak, Sir Lionsbane stabbed him thrice before leaving Kadzurak to die. Kadzurak died. Winiroth used much of its power to raise Kadzurak from the dead. Winiroth was dormant for almost a month.   Winiroth, when it recovered was furious. It ordered Kadzurak to find Sir Lionsbane's family. They began hiring goblins and orcs, and a cambion demon named Kaldaimeth with the looted coin they had. And going from unnamed farming village to farming village razing with fire them if they couldn't offer enough coin or information of his families whereabouts. They eventually found the Lionsbane Estate and attacked. The estate was better guarded than expected costing Kadzurak all his assembled mercenaries. Kaldaimeth was defeated and banished back to the Abyss. But in the end they murdered the Lionsbane family, and burned the estate and unknowing 2 young children, a boy and a girl that would come to remind Kadzurak of his own family. Winiroth began to flood Kadzurak's dreams with memories of their revenge. All Kadzurak could think of is the screams of the dying children. Remorse changed Kadzurak who deeply regretted letting Winiroth control him. One day in a cave similar to the one Kadzurak first wore Winiroth in, he took it off and buried it deep in the cave. And began to look for a way to redeem himself. Never again would he burn another thing. Winiroth is covered in impossibly black fur which covers a red demonic substrate layer of leather. The headress cover half of the wearers face and shoulders. It has one glistening eye that glows red.   Kadzurak believes that Winiroth was a powerful demon entrapped in the skin and fur of the headress. It is purely evil.

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