Willy Greenbow Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Willy Greenbow

Willy Greenbow

The name's Willy Greenbow. I'm a simple man from a simple town. Hailing from Amphail, I've tended to my tobacco farm for as much of my life as I can remember and I've never really traveled too far from my fields...never really needed to. I guess I've just always had everything I ever needed right here at home.   I met my late wife here too. Her name was Sheila. We grew up together, got married, and started a family. We had our boy Jacob twenty two years ago and everything was just peachy...until about 5 years back...Sheila came down with somethin' bad....some kinda sickness. She started coughin' up black stuff and got so weak...she could barely get out of bed most days. After two weeks or so of fightin' -- she passed. The doctor's best guess was poison...but somethin' just wasn't addin' up to me. I don't think I've ever accepted that as her cause of death, and It's been a splinter in my mind ever since.   Shortly after her death I had somewhat lost interest in my farmin' duties and in this area in general. Everything I saw here reminded me of her. It got to the point where it was just too painful to function...so I just started readin' books. Any book I could find...anything I could throw myself into to not think about this place and the loss I had just endured. I found myself drawn to books on magical spells and wizardy. It's a little taboo in these parts, but I just couldn't help myself. I've been practicin' what I've been readin' and I think I'm gettin' pretty darn good at it. Heck, one time I scared some wild animals off with some dancin' lights I created out of thin air!   One night, after a month or two of my studies, I found myself in a deep sleep...one of the deepest sleeps I can ever remember...and during this sleep; I had visions. I was being tutored by a great and powerful wizard. My memory of it is hazy, but yet so clear at the same time. I can remember the things I was taught, but I'm not sure who exactly the teacher was...heck, I can't even remember what he or she looked like! Or if it was even human! When I awoke, I was sure I had been asleep for 10 years. but i've been told that it all happened in one night's passing. I don't quite understand it, but alls I know is my skills were considerably better from that point on...   It was Sheila's dream to travel the world...and I swore that when our boy was old enough to tend to the farm himself that we would travel together. She never got that chance, but I'll be damned if I aint gonna do enough travlin' for the both of us.   My boy thinks I'm crazy to drop everything and leave, but he understands. I think he's up for the challenge of running things on the farm for a while; and I think it's high time I travel a new path of my own. I reckon I had better get to it before it's too late. I'm catching the next supply run wagon to Goldenfields to deliver some seeds and then I'm gonna see where this ol' dusty trail takes me...

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