Aeson DuKhan Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Aeson DuKhan

A millennia ago, the patriarch of clan Dukhan, looking to extend the status of the clan, arranged an agreement with a powerful Efreeti named Qadim. In exchange for dominion over the clan, Qadim planted a seed of power into the bloodline of DuKhan to bestow abilities to further the influence of the clan. Notable members of the clan rose through military ranks, became heroes and conquerors, and within the last two hundred years, became renown monster hunters. With those remarkable members of society and through the ages, Clan DuKhan became the noble House DuKhan. Over those years however, the details of the agreement with Qadim faded and were replaced by myth, of a blessing of power by the Lord of Fire Kossuth to help the peoples of the world.   Father to Belias DuKhan  

Felidar Summoned Steed

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