Beldabar Falanaar Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Beldabar Falanaar

Old elf, sides of his head shaved, with it rather long salt and pepper color hair on top pulled into a top knot. He has a thick well-groomed beard that covers his face, also salt and pepper colored. He’s currently wearing a pretty baggy linen shirt, loose around the arms, with a deep cut that exposes his chest. Rather built   Beldabar’s Rest [20+ Perception] he is an aasimar; Divine Sense can tell too! “How you doin’ travelers, what’ll yeh have?” Stay is 3gp each/night [20+ Perception] he is an aasimar; Divine Sense can tell too! “Arythriatina, hello! In leu of recent events, I’m afraid we’re at capacity. You’re welcome to rest your legs a moment however, give us a minute and we’ll be right with yeh” Heavy set halfling woman, Darla, helps Rosh out - she’s mute Stay is 3gp each/night - Old noble dwarf offers up his room  
  • Knows a lot about a lot. Previous member of the Hawks of the North 16 members, one of the only four people to survive - Hellgate Keep Beldabar Falanaar Osk Thunderhale Ollie Timms Neradeli Baenar   The Grand Dame is an ornately decorated riverboat owned by Lord Khaspere Drylund of Yartar (NE male Tethyrian human). From dawn until dusk, the flat-bottomed wooden boat is moored at the city docks. Dockworkers come and go with food and other supplies throughout the day, watched closely by crew on deck. At night, the boat travels north and then back. Inside the boat is the Golden Goose Casino The coin is a gambling chip from the Golden Goose Casino Lord Drylund is eager to displace Ruthiol as the city’s Waterbaron. He can’t have Ruthiol eliminated, however, until he has gathered enough support to guarantee victory in the election to determine her successor. He hopes to win votes by identifying and bribing (or blackmailing) Yartar’s most corruptible officials, and by hosting extravagant parties aboard his private, splendidly decorated riverboat. “The Society” is whispered here and there; he thinks its a bunch of crazies that have spent too much time at sea Knows about Waterbaron Ruthiol   --INFORMATION CONTINUED-- Small Library at the tavern Dragons of the North (5) Secret Herald’s Library at Herald’s Holdfast - if it hasn’t been destroyed Maps - Scrounge up a couple for yeh Transportation - Sailing - What faction do y’all associate with? Harpers - Waterdeep - Zaldar Floshin Order of the Gauntlet - Neverwinter - Tazlan Rilzeer (owned by CJ Collins) Emerald Enclave - North of Waterdeep - Hobgoblin Klarz (life-debt to an old ranger) Lord’s Alliance - Neverwinter - Sharlasta Stormsword (ex-pirate) Zhentarim - Waterdeep - Captain Drashk (Black Network) Osk Thunderhale - Luskan - Old member of Hawks of the North   Developments Beldabar tuned in a favor to have Harper Kolbaz Teleport them to Luskan SESSION 47 - Currently at odds with him - Xye basically told him to fuck off

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