Countess Sansuri Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Countess Sansuri


  • Background: Late husband, Count Vaal. Always somewhat calm; but resents King Hekaton. “The King is back within the Maelstrom?!?!” Was charmed by Vel - not happy about that
  • Accepts that King Hekaton is back in power; will help out in exchange for a share of the profits and any dragon iconography they recover (40%)
  • She will turn her back on them as soon as possible


  • Shaxan Kazraat - Descendant of the creators of the amphitheater Iymrith has made her lair in
  • Knows another Dragon Orb location; Inside the lair of Claugiyliamatar

Leader of the Cloud Giants at Lynn Armaal

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