Diamonddust Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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In Session 1, the party encountered a shrunken down hill giant named Slayermighty who was cursed by cloud giants that set a trap for him. Slayermighty’s pet black bear, Blooddrinker, also fell victim to the curse, and for her the effect is permanent. After Slayermighty was defeated, the bear calmed and remained still. When the curse wore off, the bear began to convulse and die. However, the quick thinking and attention of Zephyr and Catnip managed to spare the bear's life, however she remained shrunken.   Now about the size of a housecat, Blooddrinker follows the party around learning tricks, and generally being adorably ferocious. She cannot attack or defend herself, being too small and traumatized from the curse, but she is something that everyone sees as interesting and novel. From James Van Watt's journal, you have found out that the curse she is under was caused by the Nimbus Stone; a Titan Stone which which is currently in possession of the cloud giant Countess Sansuri in her cloud giant fortress Lynn Armal   Since her adoption, Blooddrinker was renamed, Silverdust, and then later Diamonddust. Diamonddust was was with Catnip at the time of her arrest in Waterdeep. When Catnip was taken to prison, the bear was left to the guards where Bolivar saved the bear on your way out of town. She currently favors Zephyr, Bolivar, Harshang, and Eldred due to their friendly interactions with the bear. She is capable of learning tricks with successful Animal Handling checks. Favored (or attunded) people can command her to do the following:
  • "Balls" - the bear turns and growls at who the commander is pointing at
  • "Sick balls" - the bear rushes to Bolivar's side
  • "Sit, stay" - the bear eagerly sits and stays

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