Dra'go Shadowbane Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Dra'go Shadowbane

In the middle of the Town Square of Red Larch stands Dra'go Shadowbane, a 6'1" Pale Grey 34 year old Tiefling of medium build. His shoulder length hair is black and tied into a short ponytail, running between two grey horns that curl back. His facial features are sharp and chiseled, shaping a face that would be considered very handsome and approachable. He is dressed very sharply: A white button up shirt that is rolled up to the elbows, a tan buttoned up vest, black leather pants, brown boots, and brown long leather duster/robe. He wears a brown leather satchel that hangs over his left hip, which holds a worn leather book full of pages of short hand writing and sketches. A coin purse also hangs from his front off of his belt.   "Come one, come all. Come watch the greatest show you are bound to see this year!" Dra'go shouts out from behind a small table he has setup in the Town Square. It takes some time, but eventually a decent crowd gathers in front of the street magician. Dra'go smiles at the crowd "Welcome...to Dra'go's Travelling Magic Show!" he exclaims as he arcs his hands up in a welcoming manner. Snapping one finger he casts Minor Illusion, causing a rainbow of colored butterflies to fly from the sleeves of his jacket. Those in the crowd gasp in awe as the butterflies fly out and over the crowd. Everyone claps, with a majority of the crowd having a captivated look in their eyes. "You are going to love this show", Dra'go commands after the spell has been cast.   The show is a hit. Dra'go pulls an illusion of a tiny dragon out of a hat before making it disappear. He shows off endurance to pain by holding his hand over a lit torch. The fire licking around his fingers before using Burning Hands to light that hand on fire. The audience gasps and then laughs and claps as Dra'go blows on his hand and the flames go out. After a half hour of doing different tricks to delight the crowd, Dra'go brings the show to an end. He places the hat he pulled the mini-dragon out of in front of him and wishes the audience well "I hope you enjoyed the show. If you are able to, please donate to this hat so that I may bring more joy to people elsewhere. I will be back here next year to delight your curiosities again!", he says with a dramatic bow. The audience claps, and most drop a few copper into the hat as they leave. Some generous ones leave a silver or two. Once all of the donations have been made, Dra'go picks up the hat and empties the coin into his coin purse. He gives another dramatic bow with hat in hand, before putting it on his head and dimension door'ing out. Dra'go exits a few hundred feet away from where he was, behind a building. He can hear the faint noise of the audience gasp and laugh in the distance as he makes his exit.   Squatting behind the building, Dra'go began to count the profits from his day's work. These were the days he enjoyed; making people laugh and awe-inspired. The days in between towns could be hard. Especially when it involved a fight here or there, but once at town he could do what he loved. It made for a nice break from his self-proclaimed mission to fight evil. As he counted his loot for the day, the ground began to rumble. It seemed the epicenter being the town square where he had just performed. Dra'go gathered his things and dimension door'd back to where he was. Upon exiting he heard the screams of the townsfolk, and the ground that he had just previously performed on was no longer there; he was now falling. Exhausted from all the spells he had just cast, there wasn't much he could do. He couldn't help but laugh that after all he had been through in his life, that this was going to be the way he went out; ungracefully falling to his death in a dark hole. The fall was quick, and Dra'go hit the stone bottom hard, his head whipping back onto the stone. He laid there, feeling the blood pooling around his head as darkness slowly worked its way in from the peripheral. Dra'go's thoughts drifted back to his youth and how he even ended up here. Before the darkness completely took over, Dra'go saw a Half Orc dressed in armor full of twigs jumping down into the pit with him and the other townsfolk. A Griffin flew over at the same time with someone on its back. Dra'go thought out loud "What the hell is a Griffin doing out in these parts..." as the darkness took over.   Dra'go was 15 years old, working on his Grandparent's farm outside of Greenest. It was a peaceful place that was not bothered by very many people. His parents gave him up at birth, and his Grandparents (on his Mom's side) decided to take Dra'go in and raise him on their farm. His Grandparents would never tell him why his parents gave him up when he would ask, though Dra'go assumed it was due to the way he looked. His Grandparents were both elderly Humans, and he assumed his Mother and Father were Humans as well. Dra'go's life on the farm was pleasant. His Grandparents were good people, who took good care of him and didn't treat him differently due to his looks. Dra'go for his part was always very inquisitive, wanting to know more about himself and his abilities that he slowly began to develop. He also loved history and to read whatever he could get his hands on; which on the farm was not a lot. At a young age he learned that fire did not hurt him the same way it hurt others. Later on he discovered that he could actually cause his hands to burst into flames. He had to make sure to be careful with this, as he almost burned the barn down.   One day after finishing his chores for the day, Dra'go went exploring the woods near his farm. In the distance he heard the sound of horses and the hammering of stakes. He followed the noise to investigate, and came across a carnival caravan that was setting up camp for the night. They must be on their way to Baldur's Gate. One tent that had been erected caught his attention. It was very colorful, and eloquent looking. A middle-aged Human man stepped out of the tent, with long brown hair. He wore flowing robes, and had what looked like a very thick tome hanging from his hip. The sight of the massive book excited Dra'go. If he carried around a book that big on his person, then surely there were books of equal size in his tent. Dra'go hid and waited for the man to walk away. Once he did, Dra'go sneaked up to the tent, and slipped inside. The inside of the tent was much larger than the outside suggested, with ornate decorations and a table with chair setup at the back of the tent. On that table was a book. Dra'go approached the table and saw the book was titled "The Art of Wizardry: by Belsabar Pedigree". Dra'go licked his lips. He wasn't a thief, but his hunger for knowledge was too great. He picked up the book, and looked at it for a moment before beginning to turn to leave. Before he could turn, the tent and its surroundings began to swirl and vanish. A loud voice boomed "Do you always enter places you are not suppose to, boy?". Dra'go spun around in the darkening void, seeing a towering figure standing before him. Startled, Dra'go fell backwards onto the ground, dropping the book as his hands spontaneously burst into flames. Frantically Dra'go shook his hands to put the flames out "I'm sor-sorry! I didn't mean any harm! Just let me be on my way!" Dra'go pleaded. The towering figure stood quiet for a moment, before the sound of a finger snap was heard. At that moment the tent was back, and Dra'go was on the floor in front of the table and chair. Standing before him was a slightly amused looking Belsabar Pedigree.   Belsabar stood over Dra'go and motioned to him "You look different than the average resident of this area...also, your hands seemed to have caught on fire...". Dra'go nodded " Yes sir, I know... and my hands... they do that sometimes. It's an affliction I have". Belsabar smiled "I would call it more of a talent. Who are you? Why are you here?", helping Dra'go up as he asked his question. Dra'go straightened himself out and picked up the book, giving it to Belsabar, "My name is Dra'go. I live on a farm nearby. I heard the noise of your camp being setup and came to investigate. When I saw you step out of your tent with that big book on your hip, I thought there might be more to read inside...I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself...I'm not a thief, I promise. I would have given it back..." Dra'go says while looking down in shame. Belsabar grinned "Is that so? So you have a thirst for knowledge? That is good". Belsabar considered a moment, and then handed Dra'go the book back "Here...you may borrow this. I am part of a travelling circus that comes through this way every year. This time next year you should find us camped in this general area. You can return the book to me then". Dra'go took the book wide eye'd "Thank you sir! I will read this cover to cover and return it to you next year. I promise!" Dra'go said with excitement. Belsabar smiled "No doubt...I am good at seeing natural talent, and I think you might have the ability to do great things if you continue to sharpen your mind and hone your skills." While talking, Belsabar opened his great tome that hung from his hip, ripping out the first page and handing it to Dra'go. Dra'go looked the page over, seeing some sketch drawings on the page and words written down. "That is a spell that can make things appear that aren't really there. Read that book, then after you have read the book enough times to understand the contents read the words on this paper and try to follow the sketches. Concentrate on something you would like to appear while you do this. Come to me next year, and if you can demonstrate that you can do this spell...I will give you another to practice...now go". Dra'go nodded, and bolted from the tent. He ran non-stop back to his farm, and straight to his room where be began reading.   Over the next year, Dra'go read the book cover to cover nearly a half-dozen times. He also practiced the spell that was given to him. Around the same time the following year, Belsabar's camp was back like he said it would be. Dra'go went to the camp and found Belsabar in his tent. He showed him his proficiency with the minor illusion spell, causing a rabbit to appear and hop away through the tent. Belsabar smiled and opened his great tome again, to which Dra'go noticed the first page was back in his book. Belsabar ripped out the second page of his tome and handed it to Dra'go. This page having different types of sketches and a different word. He also gave Dra'go another book called 'A History of Faerun' , "Read this and continue to sharpen your mind. Continue to thirst for knowledge, and your mind will be sharper than any sword in Faerun". Dra'go thanked Belsabar and began to turn to leave, before being stopped. "Before you go, I have a gift for you. This one you do not have to return." Belsabar presented Dra'go with a leather book binding. "Sew the pages I give you into this leather binding. After all...a wizard needs a book of spells", Belsabar said with a grin and a wink. Dra'go took the leather binding and thanked his new mentor before bolting from the tent and back to the farm. Again he went straight to his room to begin reading, though first he carefully sewed the two pages he had into the leather binding. For the next ten years this same routine would happen. Dra'go would meet Belsabar at the camp, returning a book that was borrowed and gaining a new spell to practice. As the spells became more advanced, Belsabar would spend the day helping teach Dra'go the ways to study and practice the spell. Every year, his leather book would get a little thicker.   On the 11th year, now 27 years old, Dra'go made his way to the same camp that would be setup each year by the travelling Circus. A brown leather satchel hung from his hip with the leather bound book, now more worn, inside. Upon reaching the camp, something was immediately different. Belsabar's tent was no where to be found. Concerned, Dra'go found the Ringmaster to ask about Belsabar. Upon greeting, the Ringmaster frowned and told Dra'go that he had something for him, and to wait a moment. The Ringmaster returned with an envelope, with Dra'go's name on the front. "Belsabar wanted me to give this to you when I saw you. I'm sorry son", the Ringmaster said as he handed Dra'go the letter. Dra'go's heart sank, and he felt like he was going to be sick while opening the envelope. Inside were two folded pieces of parchment. He removed the letter first and read it: "Dra'go. I am writing this from my bed in a small house not worth mentioning. Unfortunately age, and years of wear and tear, have caught up with me. I fear by the time this letter reaches you, I will no longer be of this world. Do not despair. I have enjoyed these many years spending time with an unexpected student. You are bright beyond measure, and of a good soul despite the personal challenges you've faced. You have picked up the art of Wizardry better than I could have imagined, and will become a far better Illusionist than I ever became. Included with this letter is the last spell I will grant to you. Learn it well and use it for good. I will have my own spellbook hidden on my person and buried with me, so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Treat the book you have built over these years as an extension of yourself. Protect it, and never lose it. It is now part of you like an extension of your soul. Lastly, leave your farm. Travel Faerun and quench your thirst for knowledge, finding more spells to learn along the way. Use the talents I have taught you for good. Make people forget their worries with awe from the Illusions you can do, and take down any evil you come across with the more lethal talents in your book. It would be a sad waste of such talent if you just sat on that farm for the rest of your life. Take care Dra'go Shadowbane, it was a pleasure to have known you". Tears fell on the letter as Dra'go read it. The letter ended "Yours in Glorious Magic, Belsabar 'The Magnificent' Pedigree". Dra'go wiped his tears away and took out the other folded piece of paper. Opening it he saw more sketches and another word. He folded both pieces of parchment and put them back in the envelope, and stored the envelop into his satchel. He headed back to his farm. With his grandparents now passed on, Dra'go vowed to himself that he would set off to honor his late mentor's name after learning this final spell.   Dra'go opened his eyes. His head pounded, and his hair felt caked with blood. Somehow he was in front of the Inn. Others were laid out near him, nursing wounds while chaos still rang out at the town square of Red Larch. Dra'go looked to one of the barmaids who was acting as a nurse applying a wet rag to one of the townfolk's head. "How did I get here? What happened?", he asked the barmaid. The barmaid shrug "It all happened so fast. This massive noise came, and the whole town square fell in. Then this adventuring lot came rushing in, getting people out. A GRIFFIN even was flying about! That same lot just went rushing back into the hole I hear. Madness I say". Dra'go nodded in thanks for the information. He reached into his satchel and produced the letter his mentor sent him years ago. Holding that letter tight, Dra'go thought to himself "Adventurers here? And going into the unknown to fight possible unknown evil? I must meet these people and see if they will welcome my talents" Dra'go stayed where he was, nursing his wounds. He decided that he would find out what he could about these adventurers and seek them out if they return from that hellish hole.

Alignment: Chaotic Good Gender: Male Eyes: Yellow with ink black pupils Size: Medium Height: 6’1” Hair: Shoulder length / Black Skin: Pale grey Age: 34 Weight: 190lb.

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