Draac Vizeran Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Draac Vizeran

Draac and Taal These two lead a small troop of drow. After first encountering them in Yartar and capturing one of their member, you learned that they were hired by Duke Zalto to recover the essence of an ancient primordial Magera, the Dawn Titan from the dwarven fortress of Gauntlgrym. Draac is a Mind Flayer, and Taal is (was) a very powerful drow mage. You managed to encounter them again in Ironslag just before delivering the Iron Flask which contained the primordial. You defeated the drow mage, Taal, and a number of their assassins, however the Mind Flayer Draac escaped into the underdark - not before taking control of Eldred's mind and causing him to murder his best friend, Ivellios. Draac managed to escape with the Iron Flask in his possession.

Defeated in the Temple of the Black Earth (Session 77)

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