Everlund Settlement in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Population 23,000

Large City
Situated on the banks of the Rauvin River, Everlund is one of the North’s most active mercantile communities. A thick stone wall encloses the city, pierced in five places by gates. Like the spokes of a wheel, broad, straight avenues lead from each gate to the Bell Market at the city’s center. The streets are clean and wide enough to accommodate large caravan vehicles. Soldiers of the city’s army make a show of patrolling the walls, to reassure citizens and visitors as well as to discourage attackers. The buildings of Everlund are stately and well maintained, with steeply pitched rooftops and tall spires that sport colorful banners. Two bridges span the river, which has parks and trees along its shores.
Until recently, Everlund was a member of the Lords’ Alliance. The five leaders who currently comprise the city’s Council of Elders voted three to two in favor of separation and, in a symbolic show of support for Sundabar (see the “Sundabar” section), condemned the alliance for its failure to come to Sundabar’s aid during the War of the Silver Marches. The decision was touted as an opportunity for Everlund to chart its own course, but more educated citizens believe the vote was orchestrated by the Zoar family, a group of influential nobles that moved to Everlund from Waterdeep over a century ago amid some scandal. The Zoars have gained considerable political influence in Everlund, to the extent that they now have a representative on the Council of Elders.


  Moongleam Tower (7) A keep of beautiful black stone that serves as a Harper stronghold in the North. It rises from one of the higher knolls in the city and consists of four narrow, cylindrical towers joined together, surrounded by a dry moat that can be quickly flooded through a system of cisterns and pumps. Crowning the roof is an open turret, where a signaling mirror shaped like a crescent moon stands. The most prominent edifice in Everlund is Moongleam Tower.   Bell Market (8) The Bell Market is situated at the center of Everlund, with broad streets leading from it to the various city gates. It took its name from its huge bell that hangs in an open space next to the city barracks, used to warn of incoming attacks. The market's opening hours were between one hour after dawn and one hour prior to dusk. The market contained open-air stalls offering baked and fresh produce, livestock and poultry; and permanent stalls offering manufactured goods. The market was surrounded by shops selling trade goods and services. Hall of the Elders (9) The Hall of the Elders is where the council meets to discuss issues affecting the city. Only the councilors know who voted which way concerning the decision to leave the Lords’ Alliance. The members of the Council of Elders are as follows:   High Captain Horix Zoar
  • (LN male Tethyrian human noble), commander of Everlund’s army and a windbag
  • **Bolivar went AWOL – He has a bone to pick. Tries to arrest Bolivar!**
  • Died in Session 34: Decimation of Everlund
High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen
  • (NG male sun elf archmage), a quiet voice of moderation and reason who keeps the peace between the council’s more fractious members (and who formerly served as liaison to the Lords’ Alliance)
  • Died as a result from Session 34: Decimation of Everlund.
Keeper of the Bridges, Kythora Shen
  • (LN female Shou human veteran), a retired soldier and skilled bureaucrat charged with overseeing the city watch and the conduct of commerce in the city
Master of Guilds, Boldor Steelshield
  • (N male shield dwarf noble), representing the merchants of Everlund, who is prone to hyperbole and rumored to accept bribes.
Speaker of the Town, Vatrice Stormwright
  • (CG female Illuskan human commoner) A citizen elected every seven years to represent the common folk in the city. She is an easily flustered woman who owns a modestly successful chimney-sweeping business in the city


Danivarr’s House (13) Everlund also has many fine places to eat and rest, the oldest and largest being Danivarr’s House. Once a noble’s mansion, this rambling inn is a favorite haunt for adventurers. The Zoar family bought the establishment a few years ago, but leaves the running of Danivarr’s House to a one-eyed half-orc named Dral Snooger (LG male half-orc commoner). Both the Harpers and the Zhentarim keep a close eye on this place.   Dreaming Dragon
  • Tavern frequented by elves and halflings
Stag at Bay
  • Bar that catered to hunters and adventurers.
Missing Minotaur
  • Newest Tavern – west side of town; It was favored by the rougher elements that were not often welcome at the more established bars.


The Bent Bow Bowyer
  • Erindel Swifter
  • Attractive, fit Elf
  • Owns An excellent archery shop located in the Bell Market in Everlund.
  • Around 1370 DR, the shop was particularly well known for its everbright arrowheads (50gp/per 3 arrows) and custom bows (masterwork).
  • Everbright weapons can light up 2x per day
  Hethmeir's Highboots
  • Hethmeir the III
  • Voice: High-pitched
  • Old dwarf
  • Around 1370 DR, the store sold the finest custom-tailored boots in all of Faerûn (though the corvisors of Waterdeep might have taken exception to this). Along with being of very fine quality, the boots were made with incredible speed, usually being available within three days.
  • Boots from Hethmeir's could be made from just about any hide and ranged in price from 50 to 1000 gold pieces

The Council’s Trial of Champions

Takes place in 12. Barrack’s and Armory Pays 3,000 gold to the champions Max of 6 team members   Participating TeamsTeams: The Tavern Brawlers (5) Dral’s Silver Seekers (4) Dwarfs from Citadel Adbar Fighters/Clerics Mystic Marvels (6) All elf wizards Half-way There (6) Gnomes/Halflings   ENCOUNTERS Round 1: Flesh Golem Darkness at the start of the 2nd round   Round 2: Giant Lizardfolk (Hill Giant) & Ratfolk Alchemist (Mage) Bomb/Potion. The ratfolk can drink a potion or throw a bomb. Bomb: DEX Saving Throw (DC 14) 4d6 force damage and knocked prone – half on a save. Effects a 10x10 foot area.   Round 3: Vrock The Vrock will enter in the ring via portal SPORES 2d10 damage + Effect 2 ½ to 3 foot tall caps Half damage on successful DC 14 save Red. (WIS) Charmed - Attack closest ally Green. (CON) Blinded Blue. (DEX) Restrained     Tavern Brawlers Round 1: Barlgura (Monkey) and Spinned Devil   Silver Seekers Round 1: Hell Hound (x3) Captured From the forges of Ironslag   Progressing Onward... As you set out from the City of Everlund /Silverymoon, a light rain dampens the rolling plains as your travel north. Around midday, you break for lunch under a lonely tree. There Kadzurak lets out a small childlike giggle because of a small rock he found that looks like a grinning face. Other than that, you encounter nothing out of the ordinary
Large city

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