Gajarum, Loremaster of the Hunt Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Gajarum, Loremaster of the Hunt

**SCRYING SPELL CANNOT SEE HIM IF HE IS NOT ON THE SAME PLANE** 10-feet tall ; blue eyes (good omen - marked by fate for good deeds)   Resides outside the City of Ice and Steel (Grand Palace in the Plane of Air) - on one of the many islands that orbits the city Eternal Sky - clouds, poisonous gas Labyrinth Gales - powerful winds Floating motes of earth - there is no concept of up or down 15 djinn - with servants He will occasionally frequent the lands of Calimshan - very rarely Speaks Jannti - Elemental language Zephyr's daddy; he survived the ritual at Citadel Adbar , but started to age incredibly fast He teleported back to the Moonwoods with the Amulet to warn his mother before his life came to an end He head the voice of the Dodkong and was terrified; the ritual should have destroyed him too, however since he is not of the realm it just sent him back to the Elemental Plane of Air

Zephyr's Father

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