Hakoda Greentail Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Hakoda Greentail


Very overweight aarakocra with black wings, light tan-brown big belly that ombre into a light sickly green tail feather. Along his torso he has a lot of growing and glowing fungi that move ever so slightly. They almost look like cool tattoos until he picks them off and eats them as a snack (lol). He wears glasses that have a green hue to them (Goggle of Night). He is so overweight that flying is a challenge; as he prefers crawling within the Undergrowth instead.


Hakoda Greentail always had a wanderlust for the odd and revolting. Raised by his grandmother, Hagusta Proudtail, Hakoda was diagnosed with glaucoma at a very young age. A local druid was able to stop the progression of the disease but this left him with very poor eyesight. However his grandmother, coming from a long lineage of wealthy and proud aarakocra, built for him a pair of glasses made from two rare gems that were family heirlooms. These glasses not only helped his vision but also gifted him the ability to see at night (Goggles of Night which was perfect for Hakoda because he preferred the things of nocturnal nature. More so, the flora and fauna that grew in the darkest of places within the Undergrowth of his home.   With this gift, Hakoda became even more estranged from society. Hakoda Proudtail always felt estranged from the traditional norms of his society. Grandma Proudtail encouraged his curiosity for the odd and strange. You see, the Proudtails were typically held to a higher standard; so much so that Hakoda’s parents made an arrogant mistake that cost them their lives. That being so, Grandma Proudtail encouraged behavior that would push the young aarakocra away from the same fate that befell his parents before. She fondly nicknamed him Hakoda Greentail because he would often come home with his tail feathers covered in moss and bioluminescent green foliage from exploring the Undergrowth.   Many years passed and eventually Grandma Proudtail joined Hakoda’s parents in the afterlife. Hakoda left his home to explore all that the world had to offer, primarily sticking to swamps and other tropical damp regions. One day his adventures led him to find a small cube that granted him different unique abilities (Cube of Force). Hakoda felt that finding the origin to this cube was his life’s calling and thus would stop at nothing to discover it.

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