Ivellios Brightwood Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Ivellios Brightwood

The oldest of three siblings, nothing was easy growing up in the Brightwood household. Ivellios was the oldest of the group and saw firsthand the effect of his father’s death on their mother. The Brightwood patron was a sailor and would often be at the seas for long periods of time only to come back and spend a few months with them before disappearing again. When news came of their father’s death, their mother could not handle the tragedy. Broken heart beyond repair, she looked at her oldest and squeezed his shoulders, ‘Be strong. Stronger than I ever could be.’ And with a final kiss on each of their foreheads, she left.   The matron’s grandparents took the children into their small home giving them a modest life as best as they could with three children. And while the children did suffer the tragedy of losing their parents, they never forgot each other. Maintaining that close sibling bond in the most difficult of situations; even if they all fought sometimes as siblings were bound to do.   Ivellios was a natural at settling conflicts with his wit and quick tongue which he used in turn to make friends. The boy was known for striking up conversations with anyone that passed through their town and sometimes building friendships.   A traveling troupe once passed through their village and a musician enjoyed talking to the young boy. Enough so that she offered him a lyre with a promise that he’d practice every day and spread the joy of music to others. It wasn’t long before he took to playing that lyre for his siblings and his village to entertain them and earn a decent living off of it as well.   After growing bored of performing for the same patrons, wanderlust took him. It was then that he began his traveling to become a bard much to the chagrin of his grandparents. The up and coming bard traveled for a bit of time to explore the Sword's coast. Ivellios would perform in taverns and for nobles whatever chance he took to earn a living. It was during those travels that he met the Paladin Celine Tethyrian and they started a brief and fiery relationship. Whether it was because she was wealthy or because he cared for her was a mystery. After all, he was known to travel and perhaps didn’t understand fully what the word ‘faithful’ was. Though their relationship ended amicably, he keeps a warm place in his heart for her as he had her name embedded into his prized lyre.   It was in the very town where Ivellios was getting ready to depart when trouble came his way. Accused of counterfeiting coin, he was assaulted and nearly arrested. If not for a timely intervention of a mysterious stranger called Eld; the bard wouldn't have escaped. The two men stuck together now for better or worse due to being wanted for a crime that they both swear they did not commit. That was three years ago and the pair have grown to be close friends.   After fleeing the town that they were wanted in, he came upon another adventurer who was looking for glory and fame, Ser Vincent Stonefist. The man was a tower of a Goliath who had a good sense of humor and a bit of a drinking problem. Ivellios took a liking to the man while Eld did not care too much for his bravado. Though about much disagreement, they agreed to travel with him.   During the trios travels, they began to see how hollow and shameless the man was. Truly selfish and only caring for himself, the duo decided to leave the man after he drunkenly disturbed Ivellios’ performance costing them a hefty amount of gold to pay for damages after a brawl ensued. Seeking retribution, Eld and Ivellios robbed Vincent as he slept in a drunken state and fled.   A few nights later as they made camp in the woods, Ivellios was struck of a horrible nightmare that stays with him. Massive figures blocked the sky's above and were at war with each other. The shadowy towers caused destruction to rain down destroying the world below them. Though he wasn’t the type to believe in such a things the nightmare jolted him to convince Eld to inquire more about this perhaps at a local tavern.   As they prepared to get back to sleep, Eld's keen senses smelled sulfur and brimstone as a fire demon walked through the dark of the forest setting it ablaze. The duo were able to escape without being noticed taking it as a sign that perhaps there was more to the nightmare Ivellios had.   Setting out on a path to discover if the omen is true, they traveled to make the nearest town in hopes of disapproving this nightmare. And if it were true, trying to prevent it from coming true.

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