Iymrith Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Blue Dragon - "Dragon of the Statues" - very powerful blue dragon sorcerer 1,200 years old   Iymrith was first recorded in 570 DR when she destroyed a Bedine camp. Soon after, she challenged an old dragon in the High Moor but was defeated. (Black Dragon named Maelestor Rex) Iymrith crashed into some Netherese ruins in the Forgotten Forest. There, she somehow gained some powerful magical abilities. The most convincing theory was that she had become the servant of an archmage who'd magically altered her body. Together, Iymrith and a skeletal figure raided villages and caravans in the Delimbiyr Vale and the Sword Coast.   Some time after, Iymrith was exploring some ruins in Anaurochwhen she first met the phaerimm and barely escaped with her life. Soon after, she started conducting experiments with some ancient and very rare spells she had discovered. In that time, she was attacked by an adventuring company that tried to slay her. After killing the adventurers, Iymrith used their bodies and started creating gargoyle servants.   With a gargoyle army, Iymrith explored some other Netherese ruins, finding more spells. Soon after, she went to the ruins where she had first met the phaerimm and, thanks to her force burn spell, destroyed many of them, claiming that ruin as her lair.

The Doom of the Desert

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