James Van Watt Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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James Van Watt

The Curious Gnome, James Van Watt   James Van Watt found the liv stone nearly a thousand years ago (down south, near the Dragon Coast). He spent nearly his whole life creating a machine to recreate the same type of cut, but could not obtain the magical ability, even after hundreds of years of attempts.   James always moved around, thus no one discovered his age - the stone granted him immortality, however it frequently whispered to him in a language he did not know.   He finally had a breakthrough after nearly 950 years - but he needed the money to move forward, which is why he partnered with Usunaar Bolton, a high-elf in water deep whose family was a part of the original Lord's Alliance.   James nearly lost his mind due to obsession with the stone - once he found a way to replicate the cut but couldn't harness the magic he nearly lost it. He set out into the wilderness, never to be seen again by his family.   He set out, traveled far and wide - made his way north and even stopped in Silverymoon but was cast out - no one believed that the stone was even magic because it emitted no magic aura. (The magic of the stone chooses it's host - someone who carries the characteristic of curiosity). Although he did discover that the whispers where in the language of ancient giant. A language long lost to modern civilization.   One day after he had been kicked out of the city of Silverymoon, he fell into a deep sleep - in his dream he saw an image of a beautiful elven woman (Zephyr's mother). He spent the next few years seeking her out. When he finally found her, he found someone who could reactivate the magic - Zephyr's father, a djinn from the Elemental Plane of Air.   Exhausted, he gave the gem to the djinn. After the stone left his possession, time caught up with him and he aged very quickly - passing within a matter of weeks.  

The Jewel Van Reimsdijk

  The machine that created the red gem was invented by a gnome by the name of James Van Watt owner of Watt and Boulton Enterprises in Waterdeep.     The next lead will come from Karlota Dinmurrow, a witch located in The Marsh of Chelimber (She is the puppeteer to Mama Manyknuckles an Annis Hag). She will tell him that:   "Your fate was never your own. If you continue down this path, your will shall be shattered, and your pride broken.The same anger and curiosity that drives you will eventually consume you and your only chance for redemption will come from the burning eye of Ugarak." This will also provide a clue, in the form of a familiar looking rune on a necklace.

The Curious Gnome

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