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Midsummer Nightmare

30 Flamerule/July 1511

General Summary

Twenty-five years after the killing the Ancient Blue Dragon, Iymirth in the Anarouch Desert. The group of heroes known as the Liberators of the Stormborn, or more commonly known as The Ragtags have reassembled on this day of celebration, Midsummers Eve. They have made a vow to gather every year since defeating the Undead Beholder, Netherskull within the Dungeon of the Mad Mage beneath Waterdeep. Olga and Pywhakett, over the past couple decades you all noticed that you have not quite aged as mere mortals typically do. If anything the vigor and vitality you carried in your youth has been heightened. However a life of luxury and excess has tightened your belt-strap and made you a step or two slower.   This year the party has decided to go coastal for their reunion! By invitation of Willow, the party has reconvened at the Host Tower of the Arcane within the City of Sails, Luskan. As you all arrive by various means, as you walk through the bustling streets, you hear a boom that sounds like lightning striking shakes everything around you. You don’t see its source, but you can’t mistake its direction. Suddenly the streets erupt in cheer, as everyone frantically makes their way the the docs to watch the firework spectacle taking place within the bay.

Hosttower of the Arcane

The party eventually makes their way to the Host Tower of the Arcane where the party is taking place. A massive tower of stone rises high into the air, topped by a round structure of wood and plaster. An opening in its roof lays open to the sky, and from it projects a gleaming brass tube to the north, and a giant tree growing from it's top. The only other entrance to the tower that you can see besides a few arrow loops is a small door painted bright green. But it stands in the ivory covered rounded wall of the tower about twenty feet above the ground. You watch as the door disappears and re-forms at the base level.   One by one the heroes and several familiar faces made their grand entrance to festivities!  

Party Attendees

The party enjoyed an evening of libations. Pywhakett was kind enough to bring both Willow and Archanist Eudora a gift. Mr. Kemp stayed close by Willow, talking, flirting, and genuinely enjoying her company. Olga hit on Harshnag as they reminisced the hard pressed battles they had fought together, including the one in the lair of purple worms where Harshnag lost his right leg and left arm. Olga admired the prosthetic limbs that he had made and eventually asked if they could "put it to good use".   The next morning when they woke up, Mr. Kemp was waiting for Willow in the gathering hall with a troubled look. “There were rumors to the south near the Chult that a fiend known as Cassius, Curator of the Flamelands has has returned. King Alabaster Star of Nyanzaru has gathered his armies in anticipation for the worst however we fear that there is more. This morning on the north shore of Chult 15 ships were found washed ashore, completely destroyed. We must…" Suddenly Archanist Eudora entered the chambers with a rather upset look plastered on her kind face.  
She was followed in by Jack Dawkins...   Now with everyone else gathered the broad shouldered man proclaimed, “Ello again lads, it tickles me knuckers to see yer fine faces again. It seems that we’ve got a bit of a problem on our hands, and I think you lot may be interested to hear what I have to say.”   The party learned more details pertaining to the attack and that several of those ships were his merchant ships; needless to say he’s pissed. After selfishly explaining his own troubles, he informed everyone why Zephyr was unable to make it to the party last night.   “Zephyr had been perusing a relic known as the Gale of Ostoria, a magical flag that’s aboard the Krigvind, the personal ship of Jarl Storvald, leader of the northern tribe of frost giants. Recently your pal managed to get himself captured and auctioned off to a group of fire giants on a remote island off the northern coast of Chult With the Ordining restored, it appears that giants now do business with one another once again." He paused briefly. "I’m afraid with the rumors circulating around in that region, the two events cannot be unrelated. Go to Port Nyanzaru and speak with the sole survivor of the attack. From there, find the island and kill the blokes that are fuckin’ with mah business and rescue yer friend or whateva’.”   Aeson was quick to identify that Jack had much to gain for this mission and they had everything to lose and demanded that a reward be paid. Jack was quick to offer up 10,000 platinum pieces if they successfully completed the mission.

Port Nyanzaru

Archanist Eudora outfitted the party and teleported them to Port Nyanzaru. She went with them but said her good byes shortly after arriving so that she may council the King of the port city. When the party arrived to the infirmary, they found the survivor to be a male human by the name of Hexius Tidewater. He was eager to leave even though it was against the wishes of the the orderlies on staff. After making introductions, the party and Hexius went down to the docks where he easily able to put together a crew and find a ship. Hexius was an incredibly well-respected man.  

Island of Waho

Without any trouble, the party made their way to the Island of Waho, a remote island off the north shores of Chult that was known to have an active volcano and sightings of fire giants on their shores. After talking with the island natives who ever incredibly rude and standoffish, the chief gave Aeson a tip as to where the entrance lies to the fire giant city below.  

Hall of Flame & Stone

The party found their way to a system of subterranean tunnels which eventually led them to large chamber with a river of lava separating the two sides. A large stone bridge spanned across the river of lava, on the other side a massive portal writhed in flame.   As the party entered the oppressively hot chamber, a fire giant stepped through the portal to meet them. The ebony-skinned giant stands twice as tall as an ogre and looks to be thrice as strong. Plate-armor seemingly crafted from cooled lava scrapes and clatters as the giant easily wields a greatsword wider than most shields—you’d fear for your life if that sword simply fell over. It boggles the mind to consider what will happen when it is swung with violent intent.   The party managed two dispatch their giant foes and crossed the river of lava to inspect the portal. Around the portal were runs that read, "“Long Live the Lands of Adak the Defiler”. After only a brief moment to catch their breath, the party walked through the flaming portal.
Report Date
12 Jul 2022

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