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Part 1: Black Icor'ish

27 Kythorn/June, 1541

General Summary


Today is not just another gruesome day in the Icewind Dale. No today the howling wind, bitter cold, foul tempers, and snowdrifts big enough to bury a herd of moose, seems to be a bit more tolerable. In-fact, today is a locally celebrated holiday for the people of Tentowns. It has been 5 years to the day since Auril the Frostmaiden has been slain and her Rime ended.   Today for the first time since, the Guardians of the Dale have all agreed to make the trip back to the frigid north where they called home for a time. One-by-one they plan to reunite at their tavern, known as the Northlook, which is located within the capital city of Bryn Shander. However upon arriving back in Tentowns and traveling through the neighboring towns, you’ve heard the rumors about suspicious activity from a cult known as the Black Swords which reside to the north.   Although the threat of Chardalyn Dragons no longer concerns the Dalefolk, this has made the already-paranoid people of Tentowns even more uneasy. Recently, a letter was secretly delivered to you with reports of corrupt magic pouring from the Reghed Glacier. This has left you suspicious as to whether or not the rumors are true, and if the Black Sword pose a real threat to the people of Tentowns once again...

Northlook Staff

Frosty Introductions

Today was a much anticipated day for the shaggy haired lightfoot halfling, Reinaldo Goldbow. Today, the crew at the Northlook are dressed their best in anticipation for the arrival for their companions, the proprietors who collectively call this tavern their home. Today, the Guardians of the Dale are reunited under one roof for the first time in five years.   “Reindaldo, it’s okay. I’m sure you’re just nervous…” the gnome standing off to the side of the table muttered anxiously.   “Fuck…” the halfling whispered under his breath. He furrowed his brow as he leaned further over the large construct sprawled out on top of the table. “Tes twa” he said calmly back to Spellix, one of the several vagabonds that had found employment here at the Northlook.   “Reinaldo I don’t speak…” Spellix replied meekly before being cut off.   “SHUT UP, SPELL-EEX, I’ve never had performance anxiety before, I will not have it now only moments before our friends arrive,” the halfing barked back.   A soft calculated voice came from the construct, “Reinaldo, it is quite alright if you are unable to install it. We have tried several times and maybe it is just not meant to beeeeeeee-” and the construct shook violently on top of the table.   Everyone jumped back in anticipation and the room fell quiet. Slowly, the construct stood up and raised his hands, looking on with an expression of confusion. The amulet installed on his chest now glowed with the same blue light emitting from their eyes.   “I HAVE DONE IT, DOM YOU HAVE FREE WILL!”.   ____________   One by one the Guardians of the Dale arrived. First Bulwark then Nix sneaking in afterwards. Atalanta, however, was stalled as she made her way through Bryn Shander and noticed two individuals that had seemed to find their destination as they crossed her path. Both heading towards the Northlook…   ____________  

Excerpt form Prudence's Journal

 "After more than enough days on that accursed ship sailing from Waterdeep up the river of Shaengarne, I was so happy to finally feel solid ground beneath my hooves. Upon our landing in the Ten Towns area, Belias and I made our way into Byrn Shander and were nearly ran off the road by a wagon carrying one of the largest corpses of a frost giant I've ever seen in any of the anatomy books on Giants back at the libraries of Candlekeep. I was just getting ready to put ink to paper and start sketching the enormous beast when Belias shuffled me on ahead to our destination: The Northlook.     Always the practical one, that one. Food first, a nice cup of tea, and a chance to rest in a bed that wasn't swinging to and fro were much higher priority. A dead giant can wait; it's not like it's going anywhere.     As we stepped into the sprawling inn and tavern of the Northlook, we were greeted by an unusual site: a halfling and a gnome were poised on top of an enormous metal construct spread across 4 or 5 tables and were performing some form of alchemy on it. It seems their permutations were successful as, with a great arcane burst of static, the construct began to speak, aware of its surroundings and friendly to all present.     The proprietor, Reinaldo, was a little less friendly, at least to Belias and myself as we were informed the tavern was closed today for a special celebration and reunion. As I saw no signs of such a celebration and feeling that protocol demanded such decorations, I proceeded to magically create illusions of candles and other colored lights around the tavern and a fancy banner strung across the rafters in gold lettering for the occasion, much to the delight of the awestruck Reinaldo.   We were quickly invited to stay and were given introductions to all present and to the special celebrants of the day, The Guardians of the Dale:
Bulwark, a very tall and well battle hardened construct with a handsome bowler atop his head with purple trim that matched his eyes     Nix, a pale and shady but smiling roguish lady with some nasty scars who popped in out of the shadows.     Atalanta, a striking blue girl with a charming little otter, brandishing a trident who stepped into the inn right behind us     It seems one of their party was missing and we were just about to toast the group, when a commotion shattered the calm of the beautiful midsummer day.     A man's blood curdling scream followed by his body crashing through the main window of the Northlook brings all attention to outside the tavern. As Belias flings the doors open, we're greeted by the horrifying sight of the once-dead giant re-animated and grabbing two men from beside the wagon in each hand and immediately chomping their heads off. As the two men die a horrible death, we're treated to an even more unsettling sight as a disgusting glistening black ichor begins to pour over both of the men, animating them in undeath and spouting tentacles and extra appendages.     Belias managed to get two attacks off against the giant and then is attacked by one of the smaller aberrations and is instantly paralyzed. Bulwark, who had rushed to the man who crashed through the window was also attacked by the recently risen corpse and is also paralyzed. Nix jumps into action speeding outside and attacking the other aberration, slicing it down expertly, just as the Giant evolves into a tentacular monstrosity."  

Avarice & Barrister Kadroth

The battle was over as quickly as it began. In the wake of the commotion the party was approached by two unfortunately familiar individuals. Avarice, her two gargoyles and Barrister Kadroth appeared suspiciously out of nowhere just as the aberrations ichor had seeped into the ground. Prudence and Belias noticed some definite tension in the air between these newcomers and the Guardians. Avarice and company blustered past and strode past everyone into the Northlook naturally assuming everyone would follow her inside. As the party continued to glower, Avarice provided insight into the events transpiring far to the north - events directly related to whatever evil took hold of the frost giant and similarly the three now deceased men.   An ancient evil that existed under the Reghed Glacier to the northwest has now been unleashed. Avarice has teamed up with the Black Swords who have moved their base of operation to the unoccupied Morthos Manor. She requested that the party help them thwart out whatever evil resides within the Caves of Hunger and destroy it.   With a firm understanding of the mutual distrust the parties have with one another, Avarice advised that you make your way to the caves by separate means; Avarice and the Black Swords by way through the Underdark. To ensure neither party does anything brash or jeopardize the mission she has taken Morthos himself prisoner as an insurance policy, which was later confirmed.   The moment Avarice and company leave the Northlook, we’re all started by the sound of a table suddenly being flung against the wall. The normally stoic Bulwark was obviously distressed from the encounter as was Atalanta and Nix. “Well, I feel like I’ve been dropped into the middle of a grand epic tale and I forgot to read my lines” Prudence proclaims. “I think we need some tea.” Pulling a tea service out of her carpet bag, she whips open a book and a quill and spends the next hour interviewing everyone and attempting to fill in the gaps in the story.   During Tea and Exposition, Bulwark performed three Sendings to check on their allies:
  • One to Vellynne Harpell, member of the “Arcane Brotherhood” and former travel companion which went unanswered
  • One to Professor Skant, a sentient orb and family heirloom of aforementioned Vellynne, who let Bulwark know they were in the possession of Avarice along with the Codicil of White, before suddenly being cut short, and
  • One to Morthos, who was indeed captured and held hostage in the dungeons at Morthos Manor
“Can we trust them?” That’s the question lingering in everyone’s thoughts as they head upstairs to rest.   The next morning the five along with Reinaldo and Deputy Dom made their way north, then west where they camped for one night. Before reaching the glacier however they were met with a surprise. A big white surprise in the form of an ancient white dragon. As they approached Ice Claw Peak, the landmark Avarice had referenced, they quietly attempted to cross the remaining distance, careful not to disturb the feasting dragon overhead. Nearly fifty feet from the entrance, their path was cut off by the massive carcass of the frost worm the mighty dragon was feasting on.

Arveiaturace the White Wyrm

From atop her nest, Arveiaturace called out to the heroes questioning why they were there. Without hesitation the party made a mad dash to safety. In a flash the mighty dragon swooped down and unleashed her breath weapon on the suspecting heroes dropping Reinaldo in an instant, entombing his body in ice. With Arveiaturace rapidly closing the distance, Deputy Dom was quick to scoop up Reinaldo’s body and get him to the side of the glacier but they were all far from safety with the dragon approaching.   With an involuntary gurgle, Arveiaturace’s flight was ground as she crashed into the icy floor just feet before the standing party. Her giant body began to convulse and contort as a blood curdling cry escaped between her gasping, labored breaths. The same black icor that possessed the giant and men in Bryn Shander now began to spew from the dragon.   Atalanta at the front of the pack closest to the glacier saw that a three foot sheet of ice separated the party from freedom. As she touched the ice before her, involuntarily, the Frostmaiden’s Rime spilled from her mouth in an otherworldly voice…

Rime of the Frostmaiden

On the last word suddenly the glacier cracked, creating an opening big enough for the party to pass through. Just in time to watch the white wyrm vomit up the carcass and black icor that it had been spewing out. With bloodshot eyes she looked upon her fleeing prey and charged all the while screaming, “I HAVE YOUR SCENT, LITTLE MOUSE.” Her massive body slammed against the glacial wall as the entrance froze shut once again.   After momentarily being unconscious, Bulwark was quick to bring Reinaldo back from the brink. Upon waking up the halfling was furious, and rightfully so. After all this was not the first time he had been severely injured while accompanying his friends, nonetheless the anger quickly passed. Reinaldo announced his “official” retirement from adventuring over a fine cup of tea but agreed it best to leave Deputy Dom behind to aid the party. After-all, he was created by a Red Wizard of the Arcane Brotherhood for the sole purpose of exploring Ythryn. The old friend took his leave in fashionable style as he wrapped his gold chain of teleportation around him, disappearing in a flash.
During the day and a half trip to the Caves of Hunger Bulwark explained how they had recovered Deputy Dom (formerly named Bo’kash Da’mobed) within the goblin fortress of Karkolohk (Session 21: Karkolohk) - the same place where they had found their tavern hand Spellix! The next day, the party sought out a lead discussing a “Lost Spire of Ythryn”. They set out in the icy tundra to find what remained of a tower that had broken off from the flying city while crashing into the glacier several thousand years ago. There, they found the amulet device which allowed one to control the construct.
  As the party passed through the Caves of Hunger it became apparent that they were in proximity of powerful magic. The translucent icy walls of the cavern, disorienting at first, caused an echo making it difficult to proceed forward quietly.   With Nix taking point as the stealthiest, the party made their way into the first cavern opening.   Following Events
Flameskull Encounter Tekeli-li run-in Ruined/Collapsed tower(s) Several options on where to go Slide down tunnel

Interview with a Vampire

As its bloody claws sink deeper into my chest, the beast opens jaws far wider than my head and lets out a defiant screech that reverberates around the icy cavern, echoing so deeply into my bones that it feels far colder than the frigid cave we are in. As I start to choke on the fetid breath issuing from the gaping chasm of its mouth – are those maggots crawling around in its teeth? – it takes one defiant look at me, sneers like I'm not worth the effort for a meal, lifts me high above its head and flings me towards certain bloody death on the frozen spears of the stalagmites on the cavern floor far below. As I watch the icy spines rushing up at me all I can think is, "Did I really just wish a few days ago that I'd rather be anywhere else than on that accursed ship throwing up my breakfast over the railing each morning? I don't think I wished for THIS.”     Luckily, Atalanta’s quick thinking kept me from certain death below with a well-timed Feather Fall. Bulwark also attempted to heal my wounds but some bizarre magic or odd twist of fate wouldn’t allow his healing to work to full effectiveness. Obviously shaken, I suggested we continue on a bit more cautiously in the future.
Report Date
28 Feb 2022

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