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Part 3: Harbinger of Darkness

General Summary

Prudence’s “Patron” reached out to her telepathically. Prudence turned her away again as she did not trust that this was her patron. Spawn of Thruun invaded everyone’s mind and addressed the party. “The key to hunting heroes is patience”.   Creatures remaining within the Caves of Hunger came rushing into Tekeli-li’s lair from the way you came in. The glacier above the lair had cracked, now open to the night sky above. Nix proclaimed that she could close it and told the party to run.   Escaping out the southern exit, you ran into a mummy lord within the caves that was entombed within the ice. Was set free with the shifting of the glacier and now lumbered in the direction of Tekeli-li’s lair, seeking its freedom Scouting ahead, Prudence found out that the winding cavern they were following led them to the north end of the Frozen Grove. Hiding among the trees she caught a glimpse of a purple dryad until it hid once again.
Briefly rested in a chamber containing Dom’s “shell” - much like Atalanta’s trident, it was oversized and massive. Dom was deeply troubled when they noticed the “innards” of his construct form had been removed; more so troubling was the reminisce of black icor left behind….
Party set up for a long rest in this chamber however everyone seemed to be restless… After finally dozing off everyone individually found themselves in a dream; alone walking down a hallway. The air within the chamber held an orange-mauve glow and carried an ominous presence. The end of the hallway opened into a circular chamber where a large orb floated in the center, giving off a powerful presence….   Suddenly their slumber and long rest was interrupted by their magical dome getting dispelled. Upon rousing, the party was met by three drow; Meldirin, Taknar, and Yoseph. Yoseph, the leader of the trio, recognized Belias from his family’s sigil on his shield. By their garb, Belias was able to recognize them as members from an elite group of drow mercenaries known as the Night’s Kiss. It would later be discovered that they were hired by Avarice in assisting in getting her and the Black Swords to the Caves of Hunger.   The Night’s Kiss mercenaries escorted the party through the frozen grove. Along the way, Belias picked 2 of the purple fruits that hung from a nearby tree’s. You found that one of the six exits to this chamber led into another large side chamber; as you passed through the illusory threshold you found that Avarice and the Black Swords had set up a full-blown camp here with nearly a dozen tents. While being escorted to a nicer tent that had seemingly been set up in advance for you, for the party passed by an infirmary where cries of crazed men in horrible agony could be heard.
Meeting with Hethyl Arkorran; old dwarf, Seer/former leader of the Black Swords before Barrister Kadroth took control, more recently Avarice took control. Learned:
  • The Black Swords had been in the Caves of Hunger for 3 days now
  • Camped in the caves because of an Arcane Blight within Ythryn that drives people mad after 12 hours within the city
  • Avarice quickly learned she was in over her head which is why she hired the Night’s Kiss, and later enlisted the aid you guys (Guardians of the Dale)
  • Leadership of the Black Swords was technically taken over by force from Avarice. Hethyl does not care for Avarice at all.
Atalanta’s nightmare (woken up by screams from Byron) Follows a sleepless Ollivander through the camp and into the Frozen Grove. Meeting with Hathowyn the dryad and the gift of fruit for Belias who she noticed was missing his foot. Used Ollivander to scope out the enlarged trident Bulwark previously saw. When Ollivander returned he stayed the night with the dryad in the grove but Atalanta went to bed. Right when she returned to her tent she heard a commotion of people entering the camp, among them many gravely injured and even dead. Caught a glimpse of a bloody red skinned humanoid but with the head and wings of a dragon and a very wounded Avarice. Part of her jaw was missing, exposing her jaw made entirely of ice. Went to bed   The next morning everyone awoke to the smell of fire burning. Came to find out they were in the process of chopping down the grove and harvesting all the fruit. Hathowyn the dryad was killed in the process, her last dying act was to turn into a tree, impervious to non-magical weapons (they couldn’t chop her down).
Atalanta and party stormed into Avarice’s tent, where she had a magical enchantment that turned the humble tent into a magnificent mansion on the inside. There Avarice, now completely healed, sat at the end of a long grand table that was filled with various types of food. To her left sat Barrister Kadroth and to her right the old Seer Hethyl.  

Info Learned from Avarice, Auril's "New Champion"

  • Leader of Ythryn was known as Sovereign Iriolarthas
  • Main goal is to gain entry to the Spire of Irolarthas (Central Spire within Ythryn). They believe the Arcane Blight and source of evil corrupted magic is emanating from within; specifically from an object known as the Harbinger of Darkness
  • Currently there is a forcefield barring entry. Forcefield can be dropped by performing the Rite of the Octad, which requires at least 3 participating members. This forcefield is also the reason why teleportation within Ythryn and the Caves of Hunger is complicated; but more importantly, what is preventing you from entering the Spire of Irolarthas
  • There are 8 towers of magic within Ythryn, each representing the different schools of magic. Every tower had an archwizard in charge, collectively they were known as the Wizards of the Ebon Star. Each archwizard possessed a Wand from the Netherwood that served as their unique key to entry along with a spoken phrase.
  • Currently they possess the wand and phrase from the Tower of Transmutation
  • Avarice says she wishes to reclaim the Harbinger of Darkness to lock it away so that no one else may use it for nefarious reasons.

Knights of the Black Sword

Tens of thousands of years ago, the elves drew Thruun into the world using a powerful relic known as the Harbinger of Darkness. Realizing their mistake, they imprisoned him and buried him deep within the mountains now known as the Spine of the World. An order of elven knights was established known as the Knights of the Black Sword. Their sole goal was to guard and protect the prison of Thruun.   In more recent history, when Ythryn was still aloft in the skies above the Sword Coast they had gained possession of the Harbinger of Darkness. As a civilization they obsessed over the discovery and reclamation of powerful relics…   Sovereign Iriolarthas and the Wizards of the Ebon Star used the Harbinger of Darkness and the influence of Thruun to open up a portal to the Far Realm and pull other horrors in with plans to study and harvest their magical abilities. Their hunt was successful however the creatures summoned proved to be far too powerful.   Phaerimm were summoned and they became known as the Spawn of Thruun. After a very short period of time aboard the flying city they managed to inhale the magic from the Mythallars (the devices that hold the city aloft) which caused Ythryn to crash. The Phaerimm within Tekeli-li’s Lair may be the reason why today Ythryn lies trapped under miles and miles of ice.

Sovereign Iriolarthas

When confronted about seeing the commotion the night before (Atalanta mentioned she saw them) she informed you that Sovereign Iro still ruled over Ythryn… now however in undeath. For centuries with no souls to consume, he had turned into a Demilich. When Avarice and the Black Swords had come across his path, they managed to defeat him but at great loss. Moreso concerning is that she suspects that his phylactery lies within his protected tower and now that he has consumed souls, it is likely he will return as a renewed lich.


  • Atalanta recovered her trident (current one disappeared)
  • Back to camp to acquire healing potions. (Fuck you, Dave)
  • Entered Ythryn 12pm
  • Tower of Abjuration - discovered an anvil that can destroy ANY magical item. Collected wand and Phase. “First, shield your heart with a Wand of the Netheroak”. Fought 6 of the Blue Man Group that Avarice warned you about.
  • Tower of Conjuration - Mad Maud Chisselbones; will give you the opportunity to collect the wand if you give her a memory. Chose Atalanta as her subject; took a drop of blood and opened a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water.
Report Date
06 Apr 2022

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