Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle

Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle (a.k.a. Pye)

All of the Tabaxi in the family of Bell, Book & Candle are indoctrinated into service by an generational Blood Pact (of the Fiend) to a very powerful Rakshasha, Valantajar, who has made multiple contracts and pacts of his own to other more powerful Fiends, Fey, Old Ones and Celestials. Val is a master of the bargain, loan, contract and debt and works primarily to provide diplomatic concierge service to locations throughout Faerun and to multiple connections into the inner and outer planes. His warlocks are often contracted as couriers, delivery services and signatories & emissaries to just about anywhere the Weave touches.   In exchange for this service, Pywhakett (and all his fellow BB&C warlocks) have been granted power. When they are under the contracted service for Val, they have access to various Plane Shift runestones and one way Teleportation Circle gems. They are often required to fulfill their courier duties (and other more nefarious tasks) in the form of a standard cat, as a reminder of their service and because Val has a sense of humor. When they are not being called on to perform these services, they are welcome to make a living anyway they see fit, though they all have a return gem to Waterdeep.   Pywhakett knows little of his homeland of Maztica, other than his accent and a love of gold and fineries from early temple life. Raised in the merchant trade, he left Maztica early as a kitten, drafted into service to his patron in Waterdeep and has traveled all over the Sword Coast from Chult to to Thay to Parnast making his current home in Candlekeep and to multiple planar locations in the Feywild and Shadowfel.   Currently working as a notary and binder of contracts, Pye provides special services for his patron as he is often entrusted to deliver, notarize and "press" signatories into their pact contracts. Do you need someone to help persuade your neophyte warlock to sign their pact? Need help negotiating a complicated barter for power or access? Pywhakett can make it happen.

Dashing, debonair Black bengal furred Tabaxi with brilliant orange eyes. Stationed in the bustling city of Waterdeep, Pye works as a contract notary and emissary for multiple interplanar officials throughout the Far Realms.

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Chaotic Neutral
Continent of Maztica
Current Residence
Black Fur in Bengal Pattern

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