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Session 10: Don't Mind the Bodies

1 Kythorn/June 1465

General Summary

From the back of the cart her body was placed in, Betty’s eyes opened once again. Her body aches something terrible with each movement. As she comes to consciousness her confusion grows further after seeing Syndrel’s body lying next to her in the back of the small cart. She then realizes that she has been brought back from the void beyond.   Feeling the warmth of the morning sun on her face, Betty sits up to see Tobias walking out of the small cave he camped in that evening; the same cave Gorthok emerged from the night prior. Tobias’ jaw drops as he looks at Betty. Dried blood covers the side of her face where the eye is swollen shut. A large chip in her shell can be seen over her right shoulder.   Laying on the ground just outside the cave was Xi’ing’s unconscious body. Tobias, in shock, stands still staring at Betty as she jumps to her feet and rushes to Xi’ing. As Betty lifts her head, suddenly Xi’ing takes a sharp inhale and jumps to her feet.   Tobias and Betty watch as in an instant Xi’ing’s morose gaunt figure regains its vitality. Her eyes no longer sunken and pale white, her eyes suddenly burn a bright vibrant blue and her scales are bright white and slightly iridescent in the morning light. Where moments before her body was thin and barely looked like it could hold up the armor she wore, suddenly she is fleshed out in the body of a well hardened and seasoned warrior, much more befitting the soldier’s grace she shows in battle. She doesn’t look a day over 30 and nothing about her hints of death.   After taking a moment to appreciate Betty’s revival, a loud whooshing sound begins to grow in the distance. The silhouette of a massive dragon speeds by overhead. A moment later the smell of sweet bubblegum accompanies the presence of a massive draconic creature landing on the ground nearby.  

Milodrákas Vanékdar AKA Milo Van

Its scales, a shade of pink shine like polished silver which catch the light of the sun. Statuesque in its posture, the beast gazes at you from a distance with eyes sharp and cunning. Two impressive horns extend from its forehead, both of them adorning small spikes and rings of various rare metals and gems. Various chains and bracers of metal alike are portrayed proudly across its massive form. Unlike traditional dragons each of the wings tucked against its body end in a bright array of pink feathers. Its tail ending in a golden mane of long hair moves with a grace strange and alluring, otherworldly. As you fully reckon its size and glory, you’re left awed.
In a familiar childlike voice the pink dragon trembles to Betty with tears in its eyes, “I thought you were dead?” The pink dragon is the true form of Milo Van, the boy who brought everyone together in the first place at the crossroads north of Phandalin. Elated to be reunited with her friends, she is taken aback at the sight of Syndrel’s lifeless body. After taking a moment to grieve Milo transforms into the various forms of the imaginary friends the party had growing up. Still to this day she carries with her the objects that had disappeared the day the imaginary friends left.   She then takes a moment to explain and presents some information about herself:
  • Learn that her real name is Milodrákas Vanékdar. She is a young adult dragon (~110 years old) that has known everyone in the party since they were children.
  • She was the recurring pink imaginary friend taking various forms that everyone had while growing up.
  • She initially came to Phandalin to bring the group together; she was born in the Paradise Valley and has an affinity toward this land.
  • It was her in the disguise of a blue dragon that helped defend against Cryovain in the recent assault.
  • She has violated the treaty of the Chroma Convocation by intervening in Phandalin which states that hybrid dragons, including gem dragons, shall not shed the blood of another dragon.
  • Out of fear of retribution she is leaving to seek out King Hekaton, Lord of Giantkind in the Maelstrom for his council and protection. His underwater fortress is arguably the safest place against The Convocation and the last place they would look, given the rivalry between giants and dragons.
  • She has in her possession various powerful items; including the Titan Stone, the Claw of the Ancient which Xi’ing helped her steal all those years ago as a young child.
  • Regretfully, she cannot intervene any further and must leave. But she advises them to go and destroy Cryovain as soon as possible
At this moment it is revealed that the year is 1465, twenty year prior to the formation of The Ragtags.
During the conversation with Milo, Xi’ing steps away as she feels an overwhelming sense of anxiety wash over her body. Overwhelmed with emotion, suddenly a lifetime of memories come rushing back...

Xi'ing's Debt

You recall your death, having your throat slit: The horrified look on the face of your sister, green eyes wide, tears streaming down her face, helpless to stop what is about to happen as she’s being restrained by two others in shadow. An evil male laugh from behind you, a moment of sudden and incredible pain, a spray of arterial blood splashing on Xi’ang’s face and the look of horror and a scream of rage and vengeful defiance from your sister. Darkness.   Stomach sinks… More memories return that feel as if they’re not your own. You find your consciousness trapped within your body, with little to no control over your facilities…   Tears begin to stream down your face as memories of Xi’ing Fang, the Death Knight come crashing back. The look of terror in the eyes of your victims, dozens if, not hundreds flash through your mind in an instant. You look down at your hands and recall all of the terrible things that they have done, leading armies of the undead and slaughtering hundreds of innocents…   And then you recall her eyes…   You see yourself walking next to a man entering into a regal chamber with white stone walls. You now realize this was your puppet master, ushering you to perform all those horrific acts. You and this man approach a black dragonborn facing away from you standing on a balcony, overlooking the city of Neverwinter.   As you briskly approach her, she turns to face you. You watch as her expression turns to confusion, then to elation. Tears of joy instantly swell in her eyes… But as you continue your approach, she looks over to the man next to you and fear washes over her face…   Standing face-to-face with Xi’ang, you feel the desperation and hopelessness in her eyes. You look down and see the Cinder Sabre in your hand plunged to the hilt in her abdomen. With tears in her eyes, your sister looks at you and cries, “Why Xi’ing?  With no remorse you shove her body off your blade. Her body stumbles backwards and falls over the handrail of the balcony, down to the city streets of Neverwinter…   Pain and guilt are not what broke Xi’ing from the necromancers’ control. But rather love. The final memory that comes to mind before your second awakening is Xi’ing climbing the long perilous trail to the peak of Mount Hotenow following the promise of the dark passenger that has been silently present all her life.   As you enter the tomb of your final resting place, you cry out a curse to your master. The name “Ularan Mortus” echoes through the chamber as you plunge the Cinder Sabre into your belly. The blade along with your armor begins to crumble and rust.   While taking your final breaths you see a dark shadow coalesce before you into a beautiful tall woman, that you now know as the Princess of the Shadow Glass. A smile curls on her lips as she hisses, “Rest well Xi’ing Fang. We shall meet again…  The memory fades, and as Betty approaches she watches as the familiar shadow grows from Xi’ing and plummets the Cinder Saber into her belly. This time Xi’ing does not rise but falls instantly dead to the ground at Betty’s feet.
The charred hilt of Xi'ing wicked blade, the Cinder Sabre remains.

A Debt Paid

Betty holds Xi’ing as she dies.   Enter Scraabox and Galreth  
  As Galreth and Scraabox approach, their argument stops as they're stopped in their tracks with confusion and worry. Tobias stands up straight and nervously scratches his hear and Betty greets them with a super friendly smile calling our, “Uhh hey there, don’t mind the bodies!"  
  Scraabox performs last rites rituals for Xi’ing and Syndrel   Milo who is invisible and hiding lets Tobias know that he will follow them and collect the bodies to take them to their final resting places.   Travel to Falcon’s Lodge where they find Falcon repairing his compound. Decide to stay and help him Learn that Doc, Pell, and Corwin are with Chiron at the Sanctum of Marsh. The next morning when they awaken, Xi'ing and Syndrel's bodies are gone. Milo lets them know that she has taken Xi'ing's body back to Mount Hotenow, where her sister initially buried her and she is taking Syndrel's body to the Maelstrom with her.   Discover that Xi’ing’s curse of lycanthropy has passed on to Betty. Scraabox works to lift the course over the course of the next three days.   Ask Falcon to join the party as they return to Axeholm, and later confront the white dragon, Cryovain at Icespire Hold. Together they all travel back to Axeholm. When they arrive, they learn that Cryovain had attacked the mountain fortress however they were able to fend them off due to the aid of the Militia and the defensive nature of Axeholm.
Report Date
12 Sep 2022

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