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Session 11: Dragon of Icespire Peak

General Summary

Late that evening after arriving back at Axeholm, Guildmaster Halia summons Tobias to her private chambers. She tries to make advances on him, however he shuts her down explaining that this is a bad time.   Linny the blacksmith is sad to hear that Xi’ing passed.   Betty tells Barthen about the situation with Xi’ing and how she exchanged her life for Betty’s. She shares that Xi’ing “so kindly” passed on her curse to Betty but their newest travel companion, Scraabox was able to lift the curse over the course of the last three days. Upon hearing this, Barthen tells Betty that rumors are circulating of a Blood Curse to the south in the Kryptgarden Forest, close to her home.   Before leaving Townmaster Harbin offers Tobias and Betty the deed to Tresendar Manor. Should they successfully defeat the dragon, they will have a proper home in Phandalin. Upon learning more about Tobias and Scraabox being from Neverwinter, Harbin invites them to visit an associate of his named Plug. There they could spend some of their earned coin at his shop named Plug’s Butt Ugly Stuff Hut.

Icespire Hold

After a day and a half journey the party and Falcon the Hunter arrive at the entrance to the mountain pass that leads to Icespire Hold. The peaks, capped with snow, disappear into the shroud of clouds above. A green blanket of trees hugs the base, fed by the glistening snowfall cascading down the crags. Birds of prey circle above, keen eyes roving for meals below. The wind flows through the mountain passes, frigid but clean and carrying myriad scents from faraway places.
After a cold arduous trek on horseback along the mountainside, they arrive. Clouds partly obscure a stone fortress situated atop the icy spur of a jagged, snow-covered mountain that you recognize as Icespire Peak, a landmark so enormous as to be visible from Phandalin on a clear day. The mountain dwarfs the fortress, which consists of two separate structures joined together by a stone bridge. A narrow, winding path corkscrews up the mountainside to the smaller of the two structures, and appears to be the only safe way to reach it by land. It’s an unwelcome path, but not as unwelcome as the cold, howling wind that buffets you.

Stone Cold Reavers

Upon reaching the gatehouse, the party surprises what remains of the clan that initially attacked Phandalin with Cryovain; the Stone Cold Reavers. After getting the jump on the goliath Ruwanah, Kyleen Wintermoon appeared with her nightmare from a shroud of ethereal darkness. Rather than attacking, she bargained with the party after realizing that Xi’ing was no longer with the party. In exchange for the hilt of Xi’ing’s weapon, they would allow you to live, and get the jump on Cryovain who awaits in the main castle above.   At the height of his charisma, Tobias manages to deceive her, claiming that they no longer have the blade. By a miracle, she believes him but vows that they will see her again, and soon. The remaining members of the Stone Cold Reavers escape once more.  

Entering Icespire Hold

The party makes their way through Icespire Hold where at last, they encounter Cryovain on the rooftop. After a battle hard pressed the party hails victory after Betty manages to stun the dragon, leaving Galreth to deliver the killing blow with an earthen grasp snapping the white dragon’s neck.   While catching their breath on the mountain side fortress, it becomes apparent why Icespire Hold was abandoned all those years ago. Even in the height of summer, the frigid climate proves to be an incessant obstacle to all those who dwell in the mountain.  

Galreth Delivers the Killing Blow

The party eventually heads down the mountain and parts ways with Falcon, letting him take the white dragon’s head to mount upon his wall. After arriving back to Phandalin they find the townsfolk already there. All too eager to depart the dwarven halls of Axeholm and return home.

First Employee of Tresendar Manor

Over the course of the next two weeks the party stays around to help make sure everything is in order. At last, Betty decides it best to return to her home within the Kryptgarden Forest. Having found a new family, the three members decide to follow her and embark upon yet another journey.
Report Date
20 Sep 2022

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