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Session 23: Dirty Business

General Summary

Last we left off the party had just teleported back to the Northlook. Previously you had explored a Lost Spire where you found an amulet that would allow you to control the shield guardian. After testing this, you found the shield guardian to be malfunctioning. If you recall, Evante had removed the construct's hard drive just a few days prior.
Nevertheless you found your tavern in good care! Spellix along with the two halfling helpers, Bonnie & Klide, had done a great job taking care of the place and have even been able to chum up some new business. While you were away however, they had a visitor. Boy, the beloved sled dog of Keegan and Garret Velryn, had returned to Bryn Shander; but his masters regrettably had not.   That evening the party also had an unwanted visitor. Although the party communicated with Evante via means of Sending that they would bring the amulet in the morning, Jack Dawkins had other plans. In the middle of the night he sent a doppleganger assassin disguised as Amelia to preemptively bring him the amulet. The party had other plans. Caught like a fly in a spider’s web, they stopped the trespasser and tied her body from the rafters above. After briefly questioning her, Nix put a swift end to her life.   Anxiously, the party waited for the morning to come. Suddenly, the cupboard door within the Northlook was writhing with flame in a similar manner as when Evante recently visited. This time, the half crippled satyre Uundevar Thort made his way into the tavern and urged the party to come with him immediately.   Walking through the threshold, the party found themselves within the depth of Sunblight in a small poshly decorated chamber and met Jack Dawkins. He discussed his elated feelings towards the party, hinting that he was even slightly impressed. He demanded they give him the amulet and the party did so begrudgingly. Evante escorted them to the top chamber of Sunblight where they had another run in with Bolivar Snooger and B.A.D.G.E.R. who were busy at work. To the party's dismay, they found the Chardalyn Dragon being rebuilt, but this time, things were different; the Chardalyn Dragon was white and pure.   They learned that Jack was rebuilding the Chardalyn Dragon but Bolivar was overseeing the project to make sure the construct was now properly Consecrated and blessed by Slyvanus the Old Oak. If Jack was going to rebuild the construct, Bolivar would have a keen eye over the operation. Nonetheless, this is a project that would take quite some time.   During their time in Sunblight, Nix learned that her brother, Lin, was a prisoner of Xardorok in the dungeons below. She learned from a fellow prisoner, Kapanuk Talltree, that Lin had passed away less than a week ago. The news brought forth a rare vulnerable side of Nix the party had never seen before.

Chardalyn Scimitar

Before departing Sunblight, Evante gave you a replica of the Shield Guardian Amulet (keeping a copy for himself) as well as a duplicate arcane hard drive that would allow the construct to function properly again. Evante also delivered the Chardalyn Blade to Nix, that Jack had promised as a reward for recovering the construct and amulet.   In the early hours of the morning the party teleported back to the comfort of the Northlook. Eager to explore the new construct, Morthos restored it and when it came to consciousness they found themselves with a new ally. Bo’kash Da’mobed was at their service.
Report Date
15 Jul 2021

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