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Session 24: Caught in the Spine

General Summary

Instructed Bo’kash Da’mobed to translate the books recovered from the Lost Spire of Netheril   Teleported to Sunblight   Traversed an Icy Waterfall   Olllivander's Owlbear Rescue   After exiting the mountain cave passage, a wide dale opened up between two looming mountain ridges. Rolling hills of fresh powdered snow reach out as far as your vision allows and trees blanketed with snow are scattered throughout the valley. Snow swept up in the wind obscures your vision beyond a few hundred feet. Piles of what looks to be stones dot the expanse, as you get closer you can see that these are not stones. Rather they are the same egg shaped crates you had seen previously in the goblin fortress, Karkoloth.   As the party trudged deeper into the mountain valley, an eerie glow betrays the monstrous outline of something stupendous and ominous. It looks like a cephalopod with slimy, ropey tentacles as thick as tree trunks that has tried and failed to bury its immense bulk in the snow. Suddenly nearly 500 feet away a giant frost worm erupted from the valley floor and gave chase until the party passed through the invisible barrier that surrounded the crashed outlandish ship.  
Encountered the beings within the crashed space ship that resulted in a stand-off and Reinaldo's demise.   Seize-fire with the remaining Ceremorph before he invited you into the spaceship.
Report Date
28 Jul 2021

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