Session 3: Hello... Again? Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 3: Hello... Again?

General Summary

After the successful rescue mission of Garret Velyrn, you made your way to the secret northern entrance of Dwarven Valley to seek shelter for the evening. After a short period of time, it was evident that he would not survive the night in his current state without proper care. In an attempt to save Garret’s life Birch, your halfling guide who joined you on this journey north, decided to take the in-tact sled and remaining dogs to the closest town, Caer-Konig. He told you he would take Garret to Frozenfar Expeditions where he would be safe and await your return.   Not long after Garret’s departure, Bulwark and Morthos heard a noise… Upon further investigation you came upon an old half-elven man passed out within a hidden alcove in the cavern. For better or worse Frilnik Hazario accompanied you as you further investigated the cave-in leading down into Battlehammer Hold (known to the locals as Kharadad) where you discovered:
  • This outpost was strategically evacuated in an emergency fashion
  • Duergar are the prime suspect

Map of "Morthos Manor"

That next morning as you were leaving you discovered tracks leading north, to the south eastern side of Kelvin’s Cairn. Following the tracks led you to a Duergar outpost where you made quick work of the Duergar stationed there, including their leader Nildar Sunblight. There in his private chambers you recovered a few personal belongs that had been stolen from Caer-Konig and several shards of the mysterious “dark ice”...

Frilnik Hazario

Report Date
20 Dec 2020

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