Session 38: Edge of Annihilation Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 38: Edge of Annihilation

General Summary

You managed to sneak past the fire giants and ogre in the forge and made it into the cistern. There Ivellios managed to charm an ettin, and free a giant horrific creature that represented a nightmarish parody of a wolf, which was locked in a cage that was built into the cisterns. As this was happening, Xye used Thaumaturgy to open the door leading into the next chamber, however inside this chamber was the kitchen where Dutchess Brimskarda and her son Zaltember were enjoying a late night snack. All of this transpiring at once, you quickly killed the 15 year-old sadistic son, and easily enough murdered the Dutchess. As this happened 30 goblins were running to the aid of the Dutchess but before they could even reach her, you had intimidated them enough to back off. Simultaneously, the guulvorg bolted into this chamber and began tearing the goblins to shreds. Ivellios, the one who made initial contact with the nightmarish beast watched as the creature bolted up the stairs and into the fire giant guard room. You made your way down the hallway and stumbled upon the long-forgotten chambers of the gnome James Van Watt, who was apparently either a resident or prisoner here in Ironslag. Along with his personal journal, you found a chain golem construct, which bared the skold rune. Zephyr recognized the rune, knew the activation phase and was somehow able to control the construct. Shortly after you made your way into the formal dinning hall, and then into the personal chambers of the Duke's 18 year-old daughter, Cinderhild, where you could hear here weeping from the hallway. You found out that she hated this place, hated her father and would be more than happy to help you. She murdered both of her hobgoblin handmaidens and then helped you search her father's chambers which was right across the hall. There you found his lavishly decorated room, along with the item you came here to acquire; the Conch of Teleportation (of course after activating a trap). With the help of Cinderhild and the chain golem, you used a ruse to get in close with Duke Zalto in the main Assembly Hall of the Vonidod. Before the battle, you made the Duke free a dwarven prisoner that was encaged in the head of his great iron maul. You defeated the Duke, his 2 hellhounds, the mute weretiger, Alister, and at the last moment Bolivar's father, Zarod Blackblade, with a final arrow from Eldred. At the conclusion of the battle, dozens of fire giants flooded into the main hall, just in time so see Zephyr chop the head off of the Duke. Quickly you proclaimed Cinderhild as the new leader, but the fire giants did not consent and began making advancements towards you. Just then, the massive and very very very bloodied body of the guulvorg jumped from one of the gantries above, ripping the throat out of the closest advancing fire giant. They surrendered. The fire giants opened the 50-foot tall adamantium doors into the central chamber, some of the giants leaving, some staying. You had the chain golem walk out of these doors. With that you met up with the dwarven prisoner, Jasper Dimmerchasm who was waiting at the bottom of the elevator and made your way up to the Yakfolk Village above. At this point it is around 3-4 am and the whole party is beyond exhausted, you rode the elevator to the top and began walking out of the tunnel into the village under the night sky. As you were nearing the exit, you all heard a noise stir behind you. As you looked, you saw the skeletal form of a humanoid figure animate from the shadows themself. You saw no movement come from him, however you all heard in your heads telepathically, "Well done young Zephyr, you have repaid a great debt this day."   With that, the undead figure wisped away just as quickly as it formed, leaving you all in the dark hallway once again.
Report Date
30 Sep 2020

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